Dragon Ball Z: All Goku's Transformations, Ranked (2025)

Dragon Ball Z, the iconic masterpiece by the legendary Akira Toriyama, introduced the thrilling concept of dramatic power-ups triggered by near-death experiences or the pain of seeing loved ones harmed. This transformation alone has left a lasting mark on modern anime, inspiring countless shows.

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As fans, we’ve loved witnessing every Saiyan’s relentless journey to grow stronger, but it was Goku, often imitated and rarely bested, who fans always flocked to and loved seeing reach new heights.


Dragon Ball: 10 Best Transformations, Ranked

From Super Saiyan God to Black Frieza, here are the best transformations we've seen in the Dragon Ball series.

Goku’s transformations have always been at the heart of the series, captivating us with their sheer intensity and the emotional weight that they carry. Here, we’ve ranked all of Goku’s solo transformations, from Dragon Ball Z itself and beyond, from least impactful to the absolute best.

10 The Great Ape

Humongous Form, Great Power But Not Very Agile

Dragon Ball Z: All Goku's Transformations, Ranked (1)

The great ape transformation made its dramatic appearance in the thirteenth episode of the original Dragon Ball. This episode shocked fans because it revealed that Goku was not a human but a Saiyan, which explained his extraordinary strength as a child.

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The monstrous power of his Saiyan heritage first manifested when the kid Goku gazed upon a full moon. This triggered a terrifying transformation, turning him into an uncontrollable beast.

This form of Goku ranks last because it is the complete opposite of his usual character and it is latter completely superceded. In his Great Ape form, Goku loses control and becomes such an uncontrollable destructive force that he unintentionally kills his own Grandpa Gohan.

While this form is slow, it is incredibly powerful and multiplies a Saiyan’s power by 10.

9 Golden Great Ape

Exists Only For Slaughter And Destruction

Dragon Ball Z: All Goku's Transformations, Ranked (2)

Making its debut in episode 33 of Dragon Ball GT which aired in Japan in January 1997, the Golden Great Ape graced the fan’s TV screens by adding a unique twist to the already familiar Great Ape form. While it shared similarities with the Great Ape, it was more formidable in strength and speed.

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Like the original transformation, it was triggered when Goku gazes at a full moon or another planetary body, unleashing the beast within.

True to its name, the Golden Great Ape is strikingly golden in color and radiates an intense golden aura, as if the overwhelming power within it is spilling out of its physical body.

The ferocity and raw energy of this transformation make it awe-inspiring but terrifying at the same time. It's just unfortunate that it isn't nearly as iconic as some of Goku's other forms.

8 Super Saiyan 2

Another Powerful But Forgotten Form

Dragon Ball Z: All Goku's Transformations, Ranked (3)

Arguably Goku’s most underutilized Super Saiyan form in Dragon Ball Z, the SSJ2 form got a debut during Goku's intense battle with Majin Vegeta. Achieving this transformation required seven years of intense physical training, elevating Goku’s power to a level that transcended the limits of regular Super Saiyan.

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In this form, his golden hair becomes slightly longer, and his entire presence exudes power, amplified by an electrifying aura surrounded by flashes of lightning.

Despite its impressive appearance and strength, Super Saiyan 2 didn’t get the recognition it deserved and was quickly overshadowed by the far more dramatic debut of Super Saiyan 3 just a few episodes later.

Sadly, Goku didn’t use his Super Saiyan 2 form too much after this as Dragon Ball Z ended after the Majin Buu saga, and Dragon Ball Super introduced far stronger forms that Goku never felt the need to go into SSJ2.

7 Super Saiyan Blue

The Strongest Form Goku Can Turn Into Willingly

Dragon Ball Z: All Goku's Transformations, Ranked (4)

Super Saiyan Blue stands out as one of Goku's most powerful and visually striking transformations, first showcased in Dragon Ball Super during his battle with Golden Frieza. This form radiates an intense blue aura along with Goku’s hair turning into a vibrant shade of blue.

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Goku may be the most powerful fighter in the franchise, but there were several instances in Dargon Ball where he needed help from other Z fighters.

This transformation is not just strong but also visually captivating, with the blue color being a brand-new addition to Saiyan’s color palette, making it look cooler than his other forms.

However, despite its significance and frequent use throughout the series against formidable foes, the build-up to its debut fell short, leaving it feeling less impactful than it could have been.

6 Kaioken

The Most Versatile Technique

Dragon Ball Z: All Goku's Transformations, Ranked (5)

Kaioken was the very first transformation Goku used in the Dragon Ball Z series, marking the beginning of his journey toward unlocking greater powers. After his battle with Raditz revealed just how outmatched he was, and with the looming threat of two powerful Saiyans arriving in a year, Goku trained under King Kai to master this formidable technique.

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Kaioken grants a temporary but significant boost to the user’s strength and speed.

Goku first unleashed Kaioken during his fight with Vegeta when he came to Earth to destroy it. When activated, the technique engulfs Goku in a striking red aura and amplifies his power exponentially.

While it may not be the flashiest transformation, Kaioken is undeniably one of Goku’s most iconic forms, representing his resilience and determination.

Kaioken's versatility was later showcased when Goku used it alongside his Super Saiyan Blue form in his battle against Hit.

5 Super Saiyan 3

Very Strong But Difficult To Maintain

Dragon Ball Z: All Goku's Transformations, Ranked (6)

Super Saiyan 3 was an incredibly striking transformation that completely altered Goku's appearance. His hair grew absurdly long, reaching down to his knees, and to add to its fierce look, his eyebrows disappeared entirely.

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The result was a form that made him appear ferocious and almost beastly in nature.

Goku first unleashed his Super Saiyan 3 form in his intense battle against Majin Buu. While this transformation was immensely powerful, it placed a tremendous strain on Goku's body, putting a limit on how long he could maintain it.

Despite its drawbacks, Super Saiyan 3 was a fan-favorite transformation, and its great-looking and destructive ki blasts -- such as the "Dragon Fist" which is one of my personal favorites -- only made this form better.

4 Super Saiyan God

Born When Saiyans Join Together

Dragon Ball Z: All Goku's Transformations, Ranked (7)

It was in Dragon Ball Super that the Saiyans started touching the power levels of the gods, and the transformation that made it possible was Super Saiyan God. To achieve this incredible form, five Saiyans had to channel their power into a sixth.

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However, with only five Saiyans on Earth, the ritual seemed impossible until Videl revealed that she was carrying Gohan’s half-Saiyan child. This news completed the necessary count of six, allowing the Saiyans to infuse their power into Goku and grant him godly ki.


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It takes a lot to be considered the strongest in Dragon Ball.

This transformation gave Goku the strength to face Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction, who threatened to destroy Earth if he did not get to face a capable combatant. Goku gave everything he had in the battle but ultimately lost.

However, even in defeat, Goku proved that the Super Saiyan God was powerful enough to stand up to a god.

3 Super Saiyan 4

For The Love Of Family

Dragon Ball Z: All Goku's Transformations, Ranked (9)

Even though the Super Saiyan 4 form is non-canon, it’s still considered a highlight of the Dragon Ball GT anime. It made its debut in episode #35 and was a challenging form to attain, because it required the Saiyan to gain control over their Golden Great Ape form.

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Goku, after transforming into a Golden Great Ape, was able to gain control over this form thanks to a heartfelt moment with his granddaughter, Pan. As a tear fell from her cheek, Goku snapped back to reality. In doing so, he unlocked this new transformation.

The Super Saiyan 4 form granted Goku the immense power and sharp instincts of the Golden Great Ape, but in the body of a human.

In this form, Goku takes on a fierce, beastly appearance, with dark black hair and red fur covering his back and arms. Super Saiyan 4 stands out not only for its power but also for the powerful emotional build-up that led to its awakening, showcasing Goku’s deep love for his family.

2 Autonomous Ultra Instinct

Entering The Domains Of Gods

Dragon Ball Z: All Goku's Transformations, Ranked (10)

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First showcased in the Dragon Ball Super during the Tournament of Power arc in his fight against Jiren, Ultra Instinct elevated Goku to a level even further than gods of destruction. Autonomous Ultra Instinct, the perfected version of this state, is a form commonly used by the Angels.

In this state, Goku’s body moves instinctively, responding to incoming attacks without his mind having to direct his movements.

Every time this form was attained, in episodes 109, 110, and 129, so many fans tuned in to anime streaming sites around the world that they nearly crashed, breaking the Internet.

As this is the form used by angels, the form is marked by a unique white aura surrounding Goku that makes him look almost divine.

1 Super Saiyan 1

Where It All Started

Dragon Ball Z: All Goku's Transformations, Ranked (11)

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Goku's transformation into a Super Saiyan is arguably the most iconic scene in Dragon Ball Z, perfectly executed in every way. He transforms after watching Frieza -- who's as fearsome in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero as ever -- kill Krillin, his childhood friend.

The sheer heartbreak of watching Krillin die before his eyes filled Goku with an uncontrollable rage, which ultimately triggered his transformation into a Super Saiyan, which so far had only been the stuff of Frieza -- who's as fearsome in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero as everlegends.

The buildup to this transformation was flawless, making the moment feel incredibly impactful. This form, born from that raw emotion and intense moment, is truly deserving of the top spot in Goku's list of transformations.


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Dragon Ball Super isn't coming back anytime soon, so here are some similar shows to quench your thirst for action-packed animation.

Dragon Ball Z: All Goku's Transformations, Ranked (2025)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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