Realm Grinder Merc (2024)

1. Merc Builds | Realm Grinder Wikia - Fandom

  • These Mercenary builds help to optimize your gem gains, get over walls, and unlock certain trophies until research kicks in.

  • These Mercenary builds help to optimize your gem gains, get over walls, and unlock certain trophies until research kicks in. Mercenaries are a unique faction that have the ability to combine the properties of other Factions, but at a high cost and Faction Coin expense. An obvious prerequisite for every build on this page is that you must be able to buy all the Mercenaries' upgrades (at least 1 No (1E30) gems). Some builds may have additional requirements or work best at specific stages of Reinca

2. Mercenary - Realm Grinder Wikia - Fandom

  • Mercenary Tier Upgrades · Mercenary Research

  • In-game description:"When a mercenary crosses your path, there's only one thing that can save your life: offer him more money than he can get by killing you. If you gain the favor of the mercenaries, you will be able to combine the power of all races at once." The Mercenaries were implemented in the After Life expansion (v1.3), and differ from the other factions: Unlocked at R3, they are available in all alignments, and can combine the power of all the other unlocked factions by letting you choo

3. Evil Mercenary - G00F's Not a Wiki

4. Mercenary - G00F's Not a Wiki

  • Realm Grinder Tools · Beginners Guide · Trophy Guide · R16 Research Guide. Upgrades. Misc Upgrades · Building Alignments · Building Upgrades · Premium Upgrades ...

5. Realm grinder mercenary builds trophies r3 - cajecgire1977's Ownd

  • 12 aug 2022 · ДЄvailable in all alignments, The Mercenaries can combine the power of the existing factions by letting you choose 2 spells and 3x4 faction ...

  • ‹ í}ksG’Ø÷ýµ£88Mæ1$¨‚„– ±(J”dDMwÍL=Ý­~0+1bE®ÏçÛp8ÂáÛð=á[Ÿ}µÏÛ.6áˆûë¿`ìÞã_83«ª»º§gðuÒÆ ”€™êªÌ¬¬¬|Õ£ï|× ìd 6LFÞÝï|‡?w°ŒyÜlÖNx9<áV$¸DAlÖjwïwîމ„3{È£CÅώv­[µeUïùÁˆ; àS ¶a£å0ˆ“x¹³¶ÞY__m.—ØéˆØŽÜ0qßàè[×èV"îvÝ6!!ÇI„Z ¨æ(³ËQ¿sŽhƠ̈õW3v ¯ð®NO‚Ñ%NӀc4âa&òC]M¢ZVÍ ðŠT̟XýˆÆÖY¶ãx¢¸=V§µî¬®uœ^Š•['OÄC!Mc"Îl÷叹ïz_FÕrþe( z®ÊîFĐvŠ—ûËðxÌïó1ÂkÀ/ÄB40בfفD@_ɏ½ÛH-Ÿ-ۋØgàSµ.{«C?·¿óò;ªBω²J½ ÅjÍ®;È«rûtÁôt²ê}ú)VŸ½P]ve­=‹ëÐKü)€ôS¬ÐcՍ˷ֳi4èñÅÖj§®ÿgÍÆúR’e9nŒÎ¼cBëêÂËÀ­šàæð­G?ÓuKQ¥…Î!I"n­×õÿå>e ¦ú¥Qúv9ôbçŽåt/UL÷q ÖåýÌêæ ¢—W‚Ÿõ49Oæ˵ª`YÞ¸5%"«­ºüÏ$ÙhўۢL¶èÌmÑ1[Ì ÁñŸªîù§X—‡ˆ8„†Œ;Ýëµìv±~wìâÄwJítñ4©õÖ:ðxc¥À -— ^)gTâY=ïô’S•®ª9Kõó‘.5rÖðŸ–ËÙÀý¨zÜö“+S"+ÏÖ¼~/p&—kÚD5§Ÿ¦A2­.Ë›Ñæ‰~2ݛÛw–É´™Žr$d~Ëæ­\{$—ƒI´#!|Æ}‡-Žø¹LµtÙ­f3<_ªå0ãðR°´Ü-d–[짾.Ñ¢[ëA}Pê¼>ZúÌýháùÂ[>÷&`èã'=pҒ…O6£ÛîGÑ'›øëóϳöKŸ•Ac…Ƨ›òÏçŸôÉR#Lãá"éœßxéez›­ßöÅÛqqé6ߌÐmørßXq1Xª—€ Î@$ªB|orďÁª5?¹Í<žøöf>ő½9¸=j„0üäqàˆ†ëϒ{¢Db»[‚þriñ§à¬î6ÑZ_ü[¨/,/Ÿ5d `qÍé‡fßNb¨9à$&F*oY Ýe™²#¡ÄQ9‘“»h0cÜLá=†d·”“Ç ^ññ±k3V»{Ç4·S² fҝðÁˆ€sŠtûqƒŽwGûÖÁßÛØßO¸ƒ!ÈR³Æd¾?‘8mÖÀ†`”Ôõ!®»ú­çzn2é]Ç>±,qǜœ*Ì%¸ 2èÕÝ¥ÏÎ>ò>ÙÄ_(6·ñƒÏɨžg”,t`rùA¹8rA–êbC×¥60 /—nyÄú›NµèÄ(:EA;ºEQŒ—ꎷé}wsS†øDDï.¼ím.¼ãunŸ(ÉÃì!|AÎ .ÌI'ŽÂÂ;î;Žw»?ShOêý’hUÈ,˄–Ô—|g¨ãŽI0U¤Z“%J,C ™Uf¢K•Žƒ"Áª®ï‹’XC5bGh!Bn£PµØwÝf ¹Ÿ˜ÂFAYO1~±0聁oD܏w#Y...

6. G00F's Not a Wiki

  • Official Realm Grinder Discord. The Game. Terminology HotKeys · Game Window ... | Merc Builds | Research Builds | Prestige Builds | Dragon Unlock | Neutral ...

7. Merc Challenge 5 question / Realm Grinder Public / Divine Games

  • 20 sep 2020 · Re: Merc Challenge 5 question. Alignments are Good/Evil/Neutral/Order/Balance/Chaos. My mind goes from 0 to 1370433402432.4 in .000013893175 ...

  • Alignments are Good/Evil/Neutral/Order/Balance/Chaos.

8. Realm grinder mercenary builds trophies r3

  • 23 aug 2022 · Have buildings amounts exactly equal to 2^tier from bottom to top, starting from 2^0 Halls of Legend.

  • ‹ í}ko\Gvà÷ùå8$×ÝÍ~ðÙå¡(Q¢,ɑ²,YQ}ouw‘÷Þº¾n¶mcÉÈ;ØY HI66³Á&“I‹ÝýÈ/pþÂrv’ü‹=çTÝW÷í&)KïÎÈ3RߺU§N:ïzÜëoÙʊƾ`ƒÈun|ç;,÷ç:–1‡{ý­Ê1¯0›G¼nERÑV¥rãú@pûÆuWDœY(~|¸[Û¨,›âAù5ñI,‡[•k·k;Êõy$»Ž¨0Ky‘ð ÍÞí-a÷EÚÊã®Øª¥ù*ˆrGҎ[¶JKÔ衇"¨…w8ÀÜòTUz2’Ü¡2±Õ¬7ª.¹±›/á§Åì:’‘#rì „ã␢ •w\Ö¤g‹€¹"°„ǃ1ëÆÒ±CTñR„,h³ÏY UÜ dß^èDssców¾{ÚZ¿²÷Gž}}™:»qݑÞÉÌ.Y œ­ŠÅ=åI@´ÂèmU¦agyùD9ª{ÂãHՁ^]® pÝRÂ(\n¯m67š›­å ²Ú"´éGRy9ÊÞåC¡‡"½~ȸ«b/ ™8¬œ1ƒ)ä‹kýn$aø½@¹¬«¢þÒHùUF<ˆ µ~ÙúÝ»Ë'dªÇðìh%‚h¼Uéu;Ü÷¤CeµÕZ__[k5›k«k%­T¿N®ÉIR!c9bF]œ¾\åË3G9¼oÕ¤ >Òå}QB` TɈë "¯Ëí@Ú5ýv¹=ˆ`¼ÜXo׏ý~y¡ŒÄrd®—¤¦£PˆsPŽùѽý ¦F2ŠDбxgµ0v]˜¦•Å\å北žQÿՙâb1£Ëoßz#ŒSìFGÚ锗ïj³Ù\[il´Wç´µ1Ý0E ðô㮘àԇË͍ÆÆf£=K{”¢ÕWªïßáã

9. realm grinder mercenary builds 2022 | Discover - Kwai

  • 14 feb 2024 · Discover videos related to realm-grinder-mercenary-builds-2022 on Kwai.

  • MK 19 Grenade LauncherMK 19 Grenade Launcher.

10. best realm grinder mercenary build | Discover - Kwai

  • Discover videos related to best-realm-grinder-mercenary-build on Kwai.


11. Known bugs/issues list (updated 19/1/21) / Realm Grinder Public ...

  • When importing an A3 mercenary template, Mercenary Union purchase does not check if upgrade is already bought. Prestige XX10 faction upgrades incorrectly use ...

  • Cloud:

12. Realm Grinder: Mercenary Build to unlock High level building trophies

  • 18 okt 2023 · Build to unlock High level building trophies Description: Alignment: Neutral Bloodline: Goblin Spells: Lightning Strike, Hellfire Blast Tier ...

  • Build to unlock High level building trophies Description: Alignment: Neutral Bloodline: Goblin Spells: Lightning Strike, Hellfire Blast Tier 1 Upgrades: Goblin (1,1): Strong Currency Titan (1,3): Oversized Legends Druid (1,1): Druidic Vocabulary Dwarf (1,2): Expert Masonry Tier 2 Upgrades: Demon (2,3): Demonic Presence Titan (2,3): Cyclopean Strength Druid (2,1): Earthly Bond Faceless (2,2): Mitosis Tier 3 Upgrades: Fairy (3,3): Swarm of Fairies Titan (3,3): Titan Obelisk Druid (3,3): Building Jungle Dwarf (3,1): Battlehammers Cold Funk - Funkorama de Kevin MacLeod está sujeta a una licencia de Creative Commons Attribution ( Fuente: Artista:

Realm Grinder Merc (2024)


How do you unlock Mercs in realm grinder? ›

Unlock Requirements

Unlocking the Mercenaries requires the third reincarnation, the following can be unlocked in different abdications. At least (minimum): 1 Nod (1E60) Coins. 100,000 of each Faction Coin.

What is the best faction for offline realm grinder? ›

the Undead challenge reward "Midnight Time", increases Night Time assistant bonus based on total time spent offline.) Amongst the existing factions, the Undead and Drow are the ones to have the most offline related perks.

What is the difference between good and evil in realm grinder? ›

The Good alignment is oriented to a more active gameplay, focusing on spells and treasure clicks. Turn yourself into a villain, unlocking Evil related features. The Evil alignment is oriented to a more idle gameplay, focusing on steady and passive building production.

How long to complete realm grinder? ›

78½ Hours - 1345 Hours
Main Story576h 2m
Main + Extras3814h
Completionist71055h 28m
All PlayStyles15519h 22m

How to unlock reincarnation Realm Grinder? ›

Reincarnation is the second soft reset available in Realm Grinder. It becomes available once you reach one octillion (1Oc) gems. Yes, gems, not coins.

How do you unlock Blademaster? ›

How do I unlock Blademaster/Anterb/Turquoise?
  1. Complete the main storyline first. After which artifacts will be unlocked.
  2. From the Shrine tab of your castle, go to the artifact tab. ...
  3. The town of Anterb and Turquoise fort will then appear in Perrianore/Pelfin region and visiting Anterb will unlock the Blademaster class.

What is the goal of realm grinder? ›

About The Game

Realm Grinder puts you in the role of a good or evil monarch, managing buildings, upgrades, and politics in order to create a large, powerful, and - most importantly - rich Realm.

How do you unlock the dragon in realm grinder? ›

The Dragons were implemented during the Ancient Eternals expansion (v2. 3), and can be unlocked after reincarnating at R46. Grand and mighty, they demand to be played alongside a Neutral faction, and feature a Heritage that persists through reincarnations and becomes stronger the more you abide with them.

What is bloodline realm grinder? ›

Bloodline gives you the ability to choose a Faction Bloodline, which is a kind of cross-faction perk that resets at abdications. Cost: Free. Unlock Requirements: R7 + For each faction bloodline: to have bought 100 upgrades related to the faction in question, total, across all reincarnations.

What is the royal exchange in realm grinder? ›

Royal Exchange (or RE) is a function that lets the player exchange Faction Coins for an increase in building production.

What is the max clicks per second in realm grinder? ›

There is a 30 manual clicks per second cap (source), with automatic clicks being the only way to go higher. Different devices will start to lag at different amounts of clicks, manual or automatic. (Oftentimes, turning off particles will lessen the resources needed when processing the clicks, to reduce lag.)

What do assistants do in realm grinder? ›

In Realm Grinder, Assistants auto-click passively once every second for 5% of your clicking reward and helps gather coins and Faction Coins. Depending on the upgrades and spells in use like upgraded Fairy Chanting, this income can potentially eclipse standard building production.

What is the best offline faction in Realm Grinder? ›

Realm Grinder

Past a point, every faction is totally idle. But if it's offline, go for Undead. Undrow (Undead + Drow) have the best bonus for offline and long session. Faceless also have nice bonus for long plays.

When should I first abdicate my Realm Grinder? ›

1,000 to 5,000 Gems is enough for your first Abdication. After that, it's generally a good idea to Abdicate whenever your Gems gains slows down compared to what it was at the peak of the run.

How do you get Sunforce Realm Grinder? ›

Obtained by excavating both the Dawnstone and Duskstone lore artifacts. It has different effects depending on the time of day. At R100+ you can get Planetary Force (Lore Artifact) which activates all Sun Force effects at once.

How do you unlock bloodlines in Realm Grinder? ›

Bloodline gives you the ability to choose a Faction Bloodline, which is a kind of cross-faction perk that resets at abdications. Unlock Requirements: R7 + For each faction bloodline: to have bought 100 upgrades related to the faction in question, total, across all reincarnations.

How do you unlock the dragon in Realm Grinder? ›

The Dragons were implemented during the Ancient Eternals expansion (v2. 3), and can be unlocked after reincarnating at R46. Grand and mighty, they demand to be played alongside a Neutral faction, and feature a Heritage that persists through reincarnations and becomes stronger the more you abide with them.

How to unlock neutral factions in Realm Grinder? ›

Neutral Factions are only available once you have reached billion gems and fulfilled certain requirements. Part of the Underworld expansion, Prestige Factions are purchased in "addition to" a Vanilla faction of the same alignment. They enable the player to combine the power from both the Vanilla and Prestige factions.

How do you unlock the heritage Realm Grinder? ›

Each Faction has its own unique and universal Heritage that you can unlock and buy in each subsequent abdication. To unlock them, you need to unlock the Champion Trophy of that faction, which requires buying every Faction Upgrade of that Faction.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.