The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky (2025)

COMMBBCIAL. UST OF LETTERS REMAINING la the Louisville Post Office on th! Ut day of September, I860. By Magnetic Telegraph. Re ported for the Louisville Courier. ggftc Scorning eouvtn LOUISVTXLE, MONDAY SEPT.2 Stout FM String TfcOiHts 1 homaf S.ake nomas (chair fac-Stevenson Geo 2 OFF1CB OPTHB tOUISVILLK COTJla.SK, I Saturday Bvbminb, August I860.

The weather has been very disagreeable a id rainy to Elections this Fall. Sixteen States elec' their Representatives in the next (thirty-second) Congress, during the ensuing autumn. The Congress in which such members take seats will meet on the first Monday in December, 1851. We append a table showing the character of the delegations of those States in the present Con day, and business is much restricted. 1 is the close Hite A brim 2 Heymullei Madame Hill Henry Hlchey Hinkle Wm ii Hi bock Chailfis BUI Dr JP Hill miss Susan Bines CaptT Hyler Albert I Irving Wm Irrla Joseph biirEe juewis Qcotoreov Steversm Georae blaytc James SUde Jeffery ack Sleet George Sloan James Smith Enoch tory) rrmith.

(thamer Smith Catharine Smith Smith mi's Smith John Smith Enoch Sutton Blias WHIG TICKET 2 of the year in the rece'pti for the past A Anderson miss Amanda Andrews David Anderson Antrain Jo eph Ainslie James Adams mrs Adams Adams Nelson Applegate mrs Ellen year, together with the stocus now ou hind, will be Alexander Allen Jos Aldrlch John Allison mrs Elizabeth Armstrong JasorRuth Arnold Ellsha Atkinson AshcraftD Asher Edmund Atkinson John found under the head of Gtccenes. miss StetD Isasc Steel Gsorge SUb'aet Jonathsn Freaerif. Swift SEPTEJSBEB 91b. BAGGING AND ROPE Dull, with sales of 172 pieces sndl72 coils, together with lots amounting to 0 pieces and 6 coils, all at 12i and 6c; also a sale of SO For the Legislature. WILT AM H.

GRAINGER. pieces Bagging at 12c. Tanner Jam a Tanner Wm COTTON YARNS The sale of Kentucky and Ten nessee Yarns are brtsK at 9. and 10c per dozen for the assorted numbers. Bales of loO bgs.

Taylor Peter Tayio' Joseph Taylor Dabney Taylor Tippiij missTerasfa Tyler Jas Tomlinson Archtbalb Townsend Eiisabet'n Toniey mm Maha1 Todd mr Elizabeth Town son A Toole James Steamboats Leaving to-day Far partienlAri tee adzertuimemi in anoAtr Tuirtv-Flrst Congr--Flnt Session. Washington, Aug. 31. House. The Indian appropriation bill was taken up and passed.

The House then took up Mr. Stanley's resolution relative to the refusal of Ritchie to answer the questions of the select committee, and after considerable discussion and confusion, on motion of Mr. Hibbard the whole subject was laid on the table. The House then took up ihe Texas Boundary Bill, but without considering it, adjourned at an early hour. St.

Louis, Aug. 30. Thos. Allen, President of the Pacific Rail Road, has just returned from a visit to some of the upper counties of Missouri, where he has been advocating general subscriptions to aid the construction of the Road. Great enthusiasm prevails on this subject, and the earnestness and zeal manifested biro greateonfidencein the speedy success of the enterprise.

Meetings were held in the various counties, andresolu-j Thompson John states. Blectlon. Dem, Whig. Free S. Missouri Aug.

5. 6 Iowa Aua, 6. 3 Mains Sept, 9. 12 Vermont Sept. 3.

13 Georgia 7 5 Florida Oct. 7. 1 South Carolina Oct. 14. 7 Ohio Oet8.

It 8 2 Illinois Nov. 6. 6 Wisconsin Wov.5. Ill Pennsylvania Oct.8. 8 14 2 New York Nov.6.

1 S3 1 New Jersey Nov. 6. 14 Michigan Not E. 2 1 Massachusetts. Nov.

11. 1 Delaware Nov. 12. 1 Total 64 78 7 inomraon tawara FLOUR AND GRAIN The market has drooped slightly, with sales of one cr two light lots Flour at the wharf at 83 73; sales or a few hundred bbla from stores at S3 S5ag3 til; retail sales at Slsgl 25. Wheat is low.

er, andwe now quote at 70a75e per bushel. Corn dull Tower C. Thompson mrs Ann Thompson Henry for Bar-Turpln Capt neU Tu'Ker Geo Cincinnati TELEGRAPH. McClcllau. Psankfoht SB A GULL, Tkov BANNBR.

Miller. N. Okleans GOV. BENT, Brandenburg. SPittsedrgh Hill, COLUMBIA, Green.

St. Lonis-ANDfK LIMNING TON, HamUton. HAIDEE, B.133. BowLiKr, Ghesn MAMMOTH CAVE, Warrln-M; Mksiphi VISITOR, CbenowPh, Hampton Hampton Jolin lit Hamilton Quintus Harrison BR Hare Sidney Harris Harrison I Hania Karkinsjamss Hardin Iseli Samuel Irish mrs Mary Irni9 John Jones Bd Jackson Jemison Weil Jeffers John Jachton Joseph Jenkins Jenhins mrs Jackson Nathalie JacXsoa Jacob Jacfeaon Elisn miss JacSfon James Jacob Dantel Jacfeson Jhn Johnston Johnston LouiaJ 2 Johnston Catharine Johnston mre Ma' Johnston Frank Kavanauh Jas Keeth John a Ken Henry Kenon Hensic Keane James Kerby BeDj Henry Keyte Wm A Kern 'ham Win Ken Jimea Ken Wm Keman Ceempe Cehoe Dennis Keigwm EvrhaJa KeDdaU James Kenna Jamea Ke; neday Thles Kennedy Wm Kendall Eliabeth mr3 at 47i50c from wagons, and 55a60c from stores. GROGBRIES The marltet is quite firm, with but ligiii stoclis on hand, as will be seen by the annexed Tucker Tulils Thomas Tvabce TruettDr Geo Tux worth Geo Twym mrsW Tracy mis Mary statement, which is strictly accurate.

The entire im In present Congress two vacancies. There were 173 iuteirrienta at New Or. portsfor the four years past are also added. We quote sales of 193 bags Rii) Coffee at lojc. Sugar Srm, with sales of 15hhds t7c, and iOhhds prime at 7ic; sales in 1 he KIV6R and VVEATHEB Last evening the rivet was rising with 5 feet 2 inches water in the canal, and 2 feet 9 inches on the falls.

Johnston A Johnston Johnston George Joh stonT bnston mrs James Johnston mrs Harrifit Johnsten miss Mary Jane JonsmlfsVlrg'Dia Jones BcvDsnlel Jone3 Daniel Hj 3 Jones mra A Jonas Eliza Judga John Judd Chandler Jager Thomas Joseph mr Jenegan Augustas Johnston JasO K'ltojg -Tanr-8 2 Kendall Keony Kenneay 7 Kelianmiss Kendall Kendall mrs EHia Kennarrar Houser Kenny mrs Mary Agsess Cins We3tber3 Kirby Wm Kirbpatricli John Kinsman John Kirby miss Elen Kindord Jama3 KingCH Kirgmrs Ach Kiug Uonitnica Kid.) Jcsich Krir John Knoli Ba'ph Underwood leans during the'week ending August of bbls at 7jc for choice. A sale of 30 bbls plantation Mo During the past 4S hours, the rivet has risen which 1 was of cholera, 14 were of cousump tions passed calling on the County Courts to Stock light: tion, and 12 of yellow fever. inches. The weather yesterday was clear, but suoscriBe liberally towards tne onject. rieug -omparatie: receipts of Ccjfce, Sugar, and itotajset xsls LouunUle, for Ihepael Jour years, evmmencia Septem were made in some of the counties to raise as hih as $250,000 and the greatest interest quite cool.

During Saturday there was consid erable rain. Baker mrs Emily 2 Bailey Pleasant Bailey Jarvis Bate John jr Bain Thos Baird A Batton mrs Charlati Bicker Frederick Baty Wm BabbettJahnF Bacon mssMary Baxter mrs Bateman John Balduff miss Sarah Breene James Brlrley miss Bcsh Jeremiah Eurk miss Elenor Bunitt Goo Butler 2 Bullitt Neville Buhler ihn Buck Chas Bulla Dauid ii Burnett Bunting Thos 2 Burk Ddward Burton Willis Buchanan miss Ann Bullitt miss Amelia Burrell James Burton Thos Bull Chas Ti Bunch Jackson Bayless John Banks Emetine Baker Jimes Babboth Lee Bass James A 2 Ball Thomas Eaird miss Baker Sam! Batdin Samuel BmBeld Jam-s, Baldwin David Baule3 mr Eyra Bacon Aaaron Barnett mrs Bartlett John Barrett John Barons Wm ES" Washington Wells was shot in the ancle ber Ul, 1816: From Sept. 1,1816, US I From Spt.l, Sept, 1.1R17. 1. 1848.

and had the bone broken, in an affray near through the btate is manifested tor the work. PlTTSBCEOH, Aug. 31. Boats from St, Louis yesterday report the eteamei Hungarian hard aground in this nrer Glasgow, on Sanday week, with James Wood. Coffee, sacis 3 1,535 1 Coffje, sscks 3B.5S3 Sugar, hfcdJ S'Jgur, hhds 12,920 Molasses, bbls 7.791 1 Molasses, bbls 13.540 The latter has been held to bail to stand his tri- River falling with two feet five inches in chan at Fienoh Island.

.1. The river was rMas a little at Umcmnati The stocks of Sugar and Coffee in 5r3t hands 1, 1818, were 4,018 hhds, and 6.6S2 bag3. nei. Heavy rains this afternoon, Cincinnati, Aug. 31 Thompson Thompson Tiernev Pat 2 TjlerJ jf Tyler Turney Christopher Teiler Carter Tlmmin Francis Underwood miis vTulia Vaughan Wm Dcnieiiico Vaciro Philip Watson Pat Watson WskefieM Thomas Wftiker Belich Walker mastsrWH Walsh John Walsh miss Bridget Walsh Andrew Ward mrs Fancy Wardlow miss Sarah A Warren ASfonsoH Ward inn Nancy Wardlcw mrs Sarah Chapman War'en John Wa-ner Warti mrs Mary A Wall'ng Geo Welsh Thoma3 Welch Wm Weaver mrs Olivia Welch Stephen West Weathers Mrs WMooghhy Western Weaver Welch John Wells Weaker mrs AbhyD Weatherly John Whitinz mrs Mary White White JasV Saturday evening.

unsuccessful attempt was made on Imports into Louiscille fra.n September 1818, to Sev. The riV6r has risen 15 inches during the last Bell Berrett Peter Beaty Jonn 3 Belts Elizabeth Bean Michael Berry Bell Samuel Biguald A Black rarss Harriet Blackburn Wei Blankingbaker Blane Blumenberg Julius Black Byrne mrs Ann Bland John VP Birkbesd mrs Lctilii Biroey David Biakelee mis Emily Black James Bo-ge Julius Botlck mrs Jane Bowser John W1 Boiccurt Saml Boon Jas Boyer mrs Elizabeth Soling Saml Bony miss Mary Bowman miss Margarett Boyd Saml Bootn Wm Boyed Jonathan Boyles Eyra Booth mrs Brady Mxbael Bradshaw mrs Mary 2 Bradshaw miss Eliza Bradshaw miss Eliza Jane Brady Joseph Brannon Bradley mrs Cynthia Bradford co, Btson Wm Breanan John Bridges A Briant Isaac A Bryan Bryce Bryan miss Saliy Bridgfs Joseph Brooks dr at Bronson Thcs Brooks mi3a Maria Brotherton BrenanJohn 2 Brotherton Wm Brooks dr Bremakcr mrs Harriett Browden major Brooks John Broadwin capt Brown Brown James 2 Brown Brown A Brown mrs Br.wn Brown A 2 Brown John it Benntng Jas Copper mr Cauffmm Bichtrd Cotter John temberl, 1S49. Wednesday morning last to fire the store of The City Conventual, Kelfar Jane mra Messrs. Roe Kercheval, on the levee at St. This body, which is generally composed cf 34 noure, ana is suit rising.

Cincinnati, Aug 31. Molasses, bbls 16,019 4,317 I Molasses, half bbls. 1,061 Sugar, boxes 705 Rice, tirces 612 Louis. good and discreet men, will meet at the Court Varrice Dennis Valat Joenh Vislett Wm A White ChrisMan Whitman 'icSo'as or White miss Laura White Chas White miss Mary Whipple or Lewis Kline White Jas Wbitttnghammisa Witiing'iam Henry Wh'te Wil'iam White Jas Whits wm Secretary White Wikoff Wtfkeron JnoWF Willett John wnbur .2 Williamson mrs Mary WUon mrs Sarah Wilkinson Bt Williamson Jno WHougbby mrs Elizabeth 2 Wiliiamion Jas Wyatt mrs Elizabeth Willis Jno Wizard mrs Catharine Winfrey JohnW Winter Louis Winings John Winfree Thos mrs Courtney A Coffee, bigs Ghain 1600 bush. Corn iu ear 47Jc; Wheat House at 10 o'clock this morning.

We presume rruvisn us q.jiet; no sales, ant's wnisiiy at Ltto- The stocks left on hand September 1, 1819, were 2,505 0 We regret to learn that Bishop Bascom Kelly Joha Lowe John fcowe Joseph Longly Mrs John Loyon Horsce Looaon George Locke Lomanuel Lowe "William but little else will be done to-day beyond organ hhds Sugar, 3,254 Molasses, and about 3,850 bags cenesq ueij sugar ogare; conee Linseeu Ull 7c New Yobk. Au2. 31. still lies dangerously ill, and that but slight izing. We trust that the labors of the conven hopes aro entertained of his recovery.

He ap Flous There Is a good etatern demand and home trade with some shipping enquiry. Fales at $4 25 to 4 Coffee. Imparls into misvitle om September 1, 1849, to Sep-iembtr VSiO. tion in amending and remodeling the city char pears ta be gradually sinking. i lorwuimun ana srrsisnt siate: 3744 62 Mr oiu Sugir, hh 12.2931 Molasses, bbls 12,411 alienism, ana ji bitoE-i 7o lor new and Ohio.

br.Aitr Moderate business doing; in wheat, tut market easier. Sales Genesee and prime white at 110113 Lewiston James Leelsen Jptha Leigh mrs LeveU miss Ably Lenty Henrietta Lescbeit August(ahcema Lee Lewis Wi'lism Lecompt Bcyera Leggett mrs Lvoo John Lilley List mrs John Lain? John Lyon Effder Lynn Simuu Lightes mrs Mary 2 8,816 M-jlasses, half Sugir, box-is 7U Rice, tierceB 094 ter, may redound to the interest and prosperity of oux flourishing city. The 'delegates have an important and responsible duty to perform, and we feel assured they will, in all things, act with CCF'The Bteamer Fany Smith, from N. Or-eans, passed Memphis Saturday. Barren Jane Corn a shide easier; roun 1 is scarce and better sales at v-OQce, Digs I blab tor muted and for western yellow.

Pnoi-r: Bartlett mrs Catharine Barclay The actual slocks on haad evening, accurately toxs rora heavy, cut demand tair, particularly pnme, Leoza one Long James Luraa Mt3 Mary Jane Langie-v Eli Lagus Laffon rhartes bane EN Lawrence miss Harriett LiHdrymiss Cecilia fcane Hester Laren Jims I.nrr'pv T7 Barker mrs Lucy A GS'Our table of imports for the month of and carjfully laken, are 1,515 hhds Sugar, 1,102 bbls due caulion and deliberation. sates 5,3 -co lo anu xo to lor pnme a-d mess. Beef easy, $7 50 to 10 for mesa, and 8 Barns aw 3 Barclay Geo (plantation) acd 3.691 bgs Coffee. August is crowded out this morning. to forpnme.

Lard in fair enquiry, extra scarce; PIG IKON A sale of 10 tons Tennessee metal at Barker Gsorge Beal Horace A sales bft to 7. cut meats nwet. tiutter and Cheese 521 per ton. unchanged. Groceries him; business moderate.

Saies Launch. The new Henderson packet Fawn Wilson mrs Fielding 2 Wilson mrs Wra Literal Kin Beal miss Mary tiavanna oabg. whissyhrm VEGBTABLES Sales of Fotatoesat St 25 per bbl. Wilton Mrs fMainst) for Wright Walter Lwie Mr CPr market)Livingston Charles to be launched to-day. tsecK wm Bellany Thos Thos Summers Lewiq miss Mary Wright Frankiin Sales of 500 bbls Onions for shipment at $1 75a2 per Lawson Wm Killed by Laudanum A young man named Jno.

Briscoe, about 19 years of age, who lived on Portland Avenue, about midway between this city and Portland, died on Saturday from the effects of a dose of laudanum he took on Friday night. He had been at the theatre Fri Bell miss Chiischina barrel. Lane Jimes Larue James OS" Attention is directed to the communica Steamboat Explosion and Loss of Life. We copy from the Charleston (Va.) Repub Bergrantx Fran! 2 Bennett mrs Ellen WHISKY Sales cf 80 bbls raw at the -harf this tion in regard to the Plank Road to Portland. morning at 23Jc; sales of rectified a23J lican of Friday last, the 30th the following Beal Saml Bell Samuel 3 wood wm right mrs Esther Woerel Woolsey James Woolley Charks Worthicgton Wright John Wood mrs Bell Wood miss Faiah frREIoHTS Pound freights to New Orleans 35c to account of a steamboat accident.

Be-lS day evening, and on his return home, went to Steamboat Accident. We copy the follow- Lynch miss Josepbine Jf ay fie Id mrs Marshal1 James B'izabeth Martiii master lohn Marsh Montaux Marshall Mark ham miss Louisa Martin A Wilsone Alpbeus Wilson Alfred Wra Wilson Charles Williams Wm, steamer Chattanooga Williams John mrs Parmclia Wright mrs Terese Wood Eliza 2 Woo.i Wright Jno Mempbis3ac; light birrels 40c. alone Wm" Matt Mattack Wm Malone mr Eli Mttterly Mason Eliza On Wednesday afternoon, the 21st as Beaiman mrs Anna Berry ng from the New Orleans Picayune o( the 21st set up with a sick family in the neighborhood, and while there he drank of laudanum which the Greenwood was putting out from the wharf NEW ORLEANS MARKET. Wednesday, August 21, I860. Cotton The market active to-dav.

acd the sales sum at Kanawha batmes, one of the boilers exploded with such force a3 to render the boat quite The steamer Empire, Cant. Meekin. which Cannon Andrew Blew Cain mr Jane Cammack George Man on mr Mathews Edin arrived from St. Louis last evening. reDOrts that was in a bottle on the mantelpiece.

It is supposed that he unwittingly took an overdose, and his death was the consequence. Mirshsll Wm Maeill John Wright Wm Cagbill mrs Jaminer uacy samaai uffw RnsK r.Tno RIcIIt'i MarkJonsS up fully makiag an aggregate of nearly 5900 nales for tne two days. which is a very heavy business, censiderine the limited extent of the stock on sale, and Wright Wood Wm Wood-icn miss Wood Wm Young Zoda Campbsll miss Isabella Courts miss Lucy A Mathew William painter) Meadket Bdward on the morning of the 19th, when in Deadman's Bend, twenty-five miles below Natchez, the boat was discovered to be on fire in the hold. Cotton Jame3 Campion Michael Youcg John Meredith Chas the advanced period cf the seison. Prices are higher, 4f aeinnis Wm particularly tor Mlddimg, which is scarce, and we ad.

vanee ourqiotationsaccordingly. uanner James Campbell Tho Callaghan John She was immediately run ashore and made fast. Mithewsmrs Eliza Zil hart Philip LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. InlenOT the crew and passengers stent vigorously to aiverd Francis Uli Fiir Malcont Eot Mackee Jardes Mai one Wm Campodonico sugar and ononssES lhesaiesoi sugar comprise wore to extinguish the hre which they succeeded in doing; not, however, until considerable Lake John 100 hhds. at oc, lor ir.

Business in molasses is cou fiaed to retail tradsactions at 30i32c for reboiled. Mager Lewis May Kearney Canyce Abram Combs miss Cora Comick Michale Cornegine John 2 Cocks James Covatts James Cowan Corcerard John Cotter di II Cicllacd Cook John Cook Dr George Cooney Michael 2 Cook Bryon Cooper Thomas a wreck and cause her to sink in a few minutes. The persons injured by this calamity are Capt. Elisha Williams, thigh broken, slightly scalded, small cut on the head doing well. John Esilewood, Engineer, badly scalded, can hardly survive.

John Montgomery, Mate, badly scalded, but it is thought will recover. Jacob Smith, passenger, bound home, 5 miles above, scalded and otherwise injured, is supposed to be doing well. George Montgomery and a young man living with James Downward, slightly scalded. Mr. Henry Burch, from Buffalo, Putnam county, in charge of a barrel boat which the Greenwood had in tow, was badly scalded, conveyed to the house of Mr.

A. E. Sargent, where he lingered till Sunday, when death put an end to his sufferings. lamage had been done to the boat and cargo. In he meantime the steamer Iroauois came to her Carroll James Cai-row Thomas Carriger Edward Tobacco.

44 admitted at 7c. and 14 refused atolc: ays Elijah and 5 refused at 6c. assistance. Capt. Haie and his officers and Maymara mrs raney May miss Maro Klizabeth Flour Thre was mors demand to day, at better Meany A Mete mis Elizabhth Metcalfe miss Mary Menen mis Margeret Meriweather Wm Metz'erThos Mealle Caroline mrs Miller Wm Miller Henry Mi Ier Thos Muller John Mitchell mrs (Mary Burk) Miles mrs Susib Inter John Mi-cheU John (for Mil-ler) Mlddleton Henry Mitchell WmW Mitchell MctTett Irrin attention has been drawn to telegraphic despatches of river and other news published in the Cincinnati papers, from some stupid blockhead in Louisville, which are almost invariably incorrect.

The following, from the Cincinnati papers of Saturday, is the last sample: Louisville, Aug 30. The river is at a stand at this point, with 4 feet 5 inches water in the canal. The truth is the river was rising, with at least 1 feet inches water in the canal at that time a material difference to shippers and steamboat men. rew rendered great service to them. prices, liic higher tor iresh fupemne.

Illinois at Siegier jonn aiUcellsneous. of Mt Horeb Enc I OF No I 2 Chosen Friends lodge I 9 Hermann Franklin Temple of Fills City Division Moraing Star Louisville Marion Kentucky Editor of the People's Law Journal French. Mavo Peter Larb Michael Carter mrs usanha 2 Card John Carrol ton Henry Carmicheal Mary Muller mr3 Lovlnia I3ii and at S4 37J; 771, in two Iors, on private terms; The passengers of the Empire publish in the Mo'ieT mrs Mary Mullen miss Harriett New Orleans papers a highly complimentary at. Louis, at ou; enrzuu, at $to uui'i, at. zo; and at auc'ion, partly sour, at $3 50aS3 66; making an aggregate of 2163 bbls.

Card Cook John Esien MDorDr Carter James card from which we extract the following: uorx. ne ouiy sale irauapireu 13 juu yeiiuw, Minch mrc Grocer; Murphey a iehel Murphy Hush Murphy Timothy at 57c. At Dead Man's Bend, 25 miles below Natch Oats. S00 sicks St. Louis, sold at37c.

Brax. We notice sales of 360 sacks ai. 68c; and 600, ez, when the boat was rounding to to wood, she Murly Joan Mu3ter Joseph Christian JrhnD Chwing Edwin Chiles Cery Wm Christopher Henry Clifford Mlcsael Cioud Wllloughby Cleraerson Wm in three lots, at 7Cc. was aiscoverea to De on nre in tne bold, originating from a quantity of lime. Before the boat Moody Robert Myers Mons Montisney Justin Besencon Madams Marie Janbert M'ile Catharine Lurmter Moris Joseph Currere Eugene Maitre Andre Bruno Charles Nalotoa MiloorThos(Jourof Com)Moore J2 Pohk.

Mess continues to reiail at gu ou, and prime S350. Thcdemandis vcrviimited. b'acon casks ordinary aides and shoulders, sold at hadbeen made fast, extraordinary panic ensued, More Alex Mitter Wm nd the hands deserted the boat in this situation. oe fur the former, and 4Je frthe litter. The Raileoad Another Lick AheadI The City Councd of Covington, in obedience to the will of the people, have placed at the disposal of the Covington and Lexington Railroad Company, bonds of the City of Covington to the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars.

The grading of twenty miles of the road will Myers Jacob willili 8 Cline Peter OS-Persons call ng for the above letters, will please say ADVKRT13ED F. G. EDWARDS. P- M. sep2d3 kegs sold it He Sagging and Rope Ou Saturday 50 pieces were The Captain, Pilots, Engineers, and Mate, by their presence of mind and disregard of self, old at 14c on short time adding interest, and 100 coils Clark Clark Clark Joan Clark George Clark James aved not only the boat, but the nves of many Myrick mrs T.ucinda 2 Mi'liog Wm Mitchell John 3 Mitchell James Coy) Mitchell James at6jc AMUSEMENTS.

Fs eight 700 bales Cotton were taken a Hnusn of the possengers. The undersigned take pleasure in bearing testimony to the admirable con- soon be under contract. Covington (A'y) 3ts inst. ve-sel, to fill up at 11 32d; masters of American ships refuse jd Delta. Placides Varieties.

The Pet of the Petticoats. Middy Ashore. The Theatre was crowded Saturday, and the performances were very excellent. To-night the above rich and rare bill of fare is to be presented, consisting of two admirable new dramas, to Louisville, in which the full strength of the company will be called forth. In addition the Ballet Troupe are to appear in a Grand Divertisement.

This is "variety" and attraction enough to tickle the taste of the most fastidious. Millsrnrs Khoua a doct of the officers, seize thisocc2sion to express Mills Cats James Cotter Edward Counts Samuel Cochrane Co-nfieid mrs Mary ueu iiign approuauou ut iiitrepia oenavior. Capt. G. P.

Stephens, a passenger, also ren HEATR E. J. W. BATBS, FaoPniaToa Messrs. G.

W. Norton, President, M. B. Morton, Cashier, and John R. Payne, First Clerk of the Southern Bank of Kentucky, left onr town on Tuesday morning last, on a visit to the dered himself conspicuous by his exertions.

Meyer John 9 Michael John Mortzlin Freak Moore John Morton Elizabeth Morean NEW OBiEANS CATTLE A8KET. Monday Erening, August 19. Receipt; light, but a fairsupp'y on sale. Prices; Hecf Cattle 4a6c per lb. net; Hogs oiojc per net, Sheep gl 75a2 50 per lhe names ot the pilots are Underwood (who was at the wneel) and Ealer; the Engineer, Fau- different Banks in our State on business con PLACIDES VARIETIES.

cette; the Mate, Henix. Moore Geo Mclelland Mathac Montgomery Melvina Moore Jme? 3X Montgomery Reonel Alex Montgomery Samuel Mossop Isaac Moore GUrin Moore Fmily 9 Moody George J. Montgomery mr A Montgomery Malcemb Moore Wm Mourae mrs Adeline Moore mrs Moodc mrs Bizath Morton Romulus Maca SicGuire Michael McGregor Danl 3 McGorern James (taTerc- keeper) McGaymrs Xeice McKcager McKinney Catharine MeGillmrs McGSashery tiioestb 5c Mc- Pherian McK'Ter Wm MeGee mr Wm McKinney Geo McGuire McGtnnis mrs ct McBryde James MoMahan Tho MeNaugbton Finley BALTIMORE CATTLE MARKET Aug. 57th. Beeves 495 head of Beeves were sold at prices From Oregon.

We copy the following from ranging from g2 50 to 3 25 ou the hoof, equal to $5l 6 25 net, and averaging -S3 gross. the last number of a paper published at Bruns nected with the institution in which they are interested. RusselhiUe (Ty.) Herald. Later Fit oh Chaores. Extensire Bobbery A Severe Fight.

By the arrival yesterday of the schooner Uharran from Chagres, which port she left on the 31st we learn from Capt. Ducey, that Ackerman train from Pa wick, cook John Cooper miss Margaret Cook miss Bliza Cook miss Margteat Cooper Coleman Timothy Couawdy George Collins Mathew Constantino Richard Collins Condry mrs Margreat Conroy Blza Connel Nathiniel Collies mrs A Coleman Collins Criswell William Crawford James A Cross Wm Craig miss Blizabeth Cross Pleasent (gsmmen ob kuller) Crank Wra Croghan (col'd woman, care of mrs Trabue) Culver miss Anna M. Curin Robert Cuchnone Augustine Doughty Jas Downey Ellen Donaldson Walter A Dover mrs Mary Dorsey John Douslass dr CO Danily Michael Dobyns Donlan Wm Dormel miss Winifred Daavss col A Dold Geo Dannan mrs A Dougherty David Dodge Wm Doyle Wm Dodson Doston Edmond Dold Gottfried Dodge Draper has Druramlag John Druming John Dnne Duberry John Duconte mrs Prospero Denignan Mr Duyeyey DuEein Jackson Duncan Dunn mrs Frucla McKiy Jesse McConea Sami McCadat McAllister Francis Mci'aniyanrs Blzv McCa'lister mrs Sarah McTarty Matthew Mccarty tnisa El'iatietli Last Wednesday, a Mr. Scott and another NEW YORK CATTLB MARKET A uj. SVth.

Th: mariiet for Beeves his been very dull during the Price3 riinse aifromS5to 7 50 per cwt. Most man formerly of St. Charles county, in this of the good retailing quaUUes were disposed or at these prices. State, passed through this place on their way from Oregon, which teiritory they left iu company with five more on the 4th of June. Their McCuUough Thoe McCabe Patk nama for Chagree was robbed ten miles out from Panama, on the 05th July, of $32,000 in gold dust, and the authorities at Panama dispatched twenty-two soldiers immediately in pur Caustus Henrey Cox Tarlton CewleyM Cotter Thomey ComeggsC, USN Cox mrs Margaret Cawon Tho Curl miss Harriet Dale Medley Dancer John Danbert Christian Daniels Davit mien Mry A Davi3 Isaac Davis mrs El zabeth Davismls Harriet Davies John Davis Wm DiTis Daviess Davenport Davis Davis Wm Davis Alfred Davis David Davis mrs Mary Dels van roaj A Degan Josiah Dewey Wm Deulin Wm Denny Jacob Dvoft col Wm McAlistermrs Mc Cany mrs Winny animals were very tolerable condition, and the train met with no bad luck on the way.

They represent the emigrants as already suffer Mccuictier HcCrakanThos suit cf the robbers. They came on them a few miles from the city, when a fight took place, in McAllister Thos ing greatly trom the loss of their stock, and anticipate much more suffering, before they get McComick Jas VcCullouffh Wm which sixteen ol tiie soldiers and six of the robbers were killed. The government troops did not succeed in retaking the lost treasure. The ftieLean James na-First night ef the Operatic Drama, In three ct3 with all the original music, called the PET OF THB PBTTICOATP, and first night of the Nautical Drame entitled the MIDDY ASHORK. THIS EVBN1NG.

(Monday,) September 2, the performances will commence with the Operatic Drama, in three eels, called the FET OF THE PETTI-COATS hevalier St. Pierre, Mr. C. Howard; Capt. Cannonade, Mr.

Euffield; Paul (nicknamed Poll the Pet.) Mrs. C. Howard; Monsieur Zephyr, Mr. Dawson: Job, Mr. HuMan; Snign Bannier, Mr F.

Chippen lale; Superior of the Convent, Mrs. Meyers; Sister Vinalgre, Mrs. Bowen; Mimi, Miss C. Bruce: Madam Bravura, Airs. W.

P. Johnston; Babet, Mrs. Chippen lale be followrd by a GRAND DIVERTisBMBNT Pts Eretor Dy Mons. Pinguely and M'ile Emilia Baron; the Chatelaine (Grand Pas de Dem) by Antonii BiUanst ancl Mons. Maugm To ecnclude with the Nauticaa Drama, in one act, entitled the MiDBY ASHORE Harry Ha'cyon (with song,) Mrs.

C. H-'-ward: Lieut. Momn, Mr. F. Chippendale; Tom Cringle, Mr.

C. Howard; Mr. Tonish, Mr. Daw-cn; iady Starch-inzton; Mrs. Bo-wen; Eniih, Miss C.Bruce; Anne, sirs.

W. P. Johnston. Prices of Admission. Dress Boxes acd 7o cents: Upper Boxes, 35 cents; Gallery, 5d ccnUj Colored Gallery, 20 cents.

CCTBox Office open daily from 10 A- M. till 1 P.M., and from 3 tili 5 B. whcie seats may be secured bv jpplication to Mr. W. H-Brundage, Treasurer.

US-Different tickets are used 'or each evening Those nurchjsed on one Jay will not be good for time. rstr-Doors open at half pat sever. Curtain to raise at eight o'clock i-recisely. ausr31dl Mctarty iienrn through, as there is great scarcity of support in McCarty Wm (care of LemMeFaulter Edwin ne mountains. Many emigrants are turning McMilleD Hueh Tobaccon) government authorities were about sending out a much stronger force on the 30th, with a deter southward to find supplies and passage through McCanee las McCarty Michael Mccormick Patrick mormon country.

mination to clear the Isthmus of tha marauders. N. O. Bui. nth.

MeDemntt Patrick Mc Bridge Patrick McFesson mrs Hannah McMiilen Lucy McMshenJohn McMahen (9th Msroet) McBridge A McMulkin John McLean Alexander McPherriaon JomeaW Officers or the Grand Lodge or Kentucky. The following gentlemen have been elected Fire. The dull, drowsy ear of sleep was dis invite the especial attention of merchants and basiness men to our commercial report of this morning, where will be found the receipts of the leading articles of groceries during the past four yeara. The stocks left on hand at the eud of each year are also aecurately given. It will be seen that the stock of New Orleans sugar on hand this year is comparatively light.

The receipts of sugar in barrels, consisting of refined, loaf, and clarified, are double those of last year New Route East. -Passengers can, after this day, take the stage from Pittsburgh to Johnstown, thence by the Portage Railway and Pennsylvania Railroad to Philadelphia, going through the entire distance from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia in thirty-two hours, or by railroad and canal in forty hours, without the fatigue ol night travel by land. QMr. Haskell, a special agent of the Post Office Department, arrested Geo. O.

Hinton, a general stage agent, a few days since, at Clove, land, 0., on a charge of robbing the mail. He made his escape the same night, and a reward of 500 has been offered for his recovery. CTStrader, the well known host of the Cai-rollton Hotel, is making great preparations for a military and civic celebration of Perry's vie tory on the 10th inst. Several military companies and large numbers of persona from Louisville and Cincinnati are expected to be present. McDonald mrs Ann iX MeDerrnottmejrs Eon MeCermott Jas McDonald A McDonald miss Lucretia officers of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky for the Disler Geo turbed on Tuesday morning, about 2 o'clock, by the ringing of fire bells and the general alarm on our streets.

The fire is supposed to have been I OUT OV LO 18 I rXOM KVAXS1 COMMERCIAL BItOSS ARRIVALS Saturday, Aug. 31st. Genesee, Moore, Pittsburgh; Cape May, Saowden, do; Hail Columbia, Green, do: Madison: Blue Praakfcrt; Greek Slave, Francis, Fioreuce. ARRIVALS- Sunday, Sept. 1st.

Haiceo.Bo's, Pittsburgh; rth Ktver, Sher'ey, Cincinnati; Martha No. 2, Lonegai d.i; Mammoth Cave, Warriner Bowling Gieen; Sarih Goruoa, Hinckley, N. Albany; Oriental, St. Louis; 3I Ciuef Justice Marshall.lilackt; AniaOQla, McBride, do, DEPARTURES-Saturday. Telegraph, McClellan.

Cincinnati; Moore. St. Louis; A. W.

Vanleer. Grets'nger, do; New World, Steia.M. Orleans; Conrtiaed, Hamilton, Madison; Blue Wing, Sauniiers, Fraok'ort; Cane May, Snowilej, Nashville: Emiiy, Florence. DEPARTURES Sunday. North River, Sherley, iuciunali; i hier Jurtiee Marshall, McBride, dos Amazonia, McBride, do; MarthaNo- 2, Locegm, St, Louis.

McKeemrs VartDda the work ot an incendiary, originating as it did ensuing twelve months: Jno. M. S. McCorkle, of Grcensburg, M. W.

G. M. Chas. G. Wiulersmith, of Elizabethtown, R.

W. D. G. M. Steigleman's livery stable, where there had Nicholas John Uito Sena Deyinniamiss Frances Dilson Norman Dick Isa- Dimond John Dick mrs Mary Ann Byer mrs A CHwarrfa Tl JJichilaa Franci3H not been any fire the night previous.

All of the Northern mrs Lewis buildings ou the square south of the Prentiss mis- Ana W. ffswtonB 2 iSeweil Richard for Micine! or Sarah Ceoney Navin Jas Nelson miss Mar? Newell Newman Geo Nelson Tsaar. North Ricbird House, with the exception oi two small ones, Norton Pat Norton miss Mary were destroyed. The fire passed from the stable north, burning all the buildings to Mr. Livers' Elder Geo "ewkiis Boon Hills Wm A Newkirk Enoch THEATRE.

Ta TKS. C. HGWAHD tenders her profound refpecu nji crl i ho niih'ir. EP.n comer, thence east to Peter Elsasser's and pas- Neal mis3 Lucie ed arcun'l tne square, we nave not neard tne Brley Phebe mrs Bvans Samusi Evans mrs Margaret Evans mrs Susan Blrick Chas Baton Jonathan Fckard Andrew Bddy Hugh Karle Louisa Swing BstilRK amount of the loss sustained, but it must have Thomas Ware, ol Cynthiana, W. S.

G. Thos. Todd, of Shelbvviile, W.J. G. W.

Philip Swigert, oTFiankfort, G. S. Albeit G. Hodges, of Frankfort, G. T.

Rev. S. L. Adams, of Harrodsburg, G. W.

M. O. Smith, of Lexington, G. O. E.

S. Craig, of Louisville, S. D. Wm. C.

Noel, of Eddyville, J. G. D. C. W.

Gilmcre, of Somerset, G. M. S. D. Mitchell, of Mt.

Sterling, G. S. B. John McCracken, of Lexington, G. F.

Geo. P. Richardson, G. T. O'Harran John been heavy.

vicks. wkig. erally, tnat ner Dni'sri, pointed for WEDNESDAY EVEIa.G 1, Irl, HI 1 DC aCtCd JI TS The Health cfthe City. During the week O'Bria-t John Ogle John O'MeillJohn Orr Lucinda mrs Orr F.Usabetb mrs OTerstreet dr Oakley Daniel Owens Betty O' SuliUan Patrick Ogdcn Edmond Olmsted Maicslius Oit Jo eph Otis Robert Capt Cowley's elegant Comedy ot Hl'is Root Eldredge Elmore Rtty David Elstoamiss Penelope KlKin Frances Blbert Erwin Andrew Evans Douglass Finn Joseph Figg Hamilton Fitz Patrick Ellen Field Wm ending this morning, there were 59S admissions fTHaa i.etina naruy, whs. varied entertainments, embracire the whole strength ol the uhanty Hospital, and 41 deatns.

There O'Callaghan Dennis nffics. has not been a case of Yellow Fever in this O'Sultian widow Olden J-mes O'Connell Daniel 600. In Dr. Stone's extensive private Hospital there has not been a case of Yellow Fever. Basr-Tickets ana places to uc iidu a daily.

STEAMBOATS. HJVBK IMPUUX3. PITTSBURGH Steamer Hail Columbia 39 pes. 16 bdls ir-. 7 pkg iver do, 55 bss do, 4 Co; 27 do ticks, 8 do Ise, 4 dn do, Anderson ik co; 2 do.

Liudenhiem co; 2 casks hirdwate. co; mlsi Anderson, McLane Co; 3 tlo.l caslt. Lewis --Sc Wilkes; 12 hxsdo, Rucsles; 1 lie, Davulson i Brannon; 1 do drugs, Ureed co, bales mdse, A A Gordon; 2bxs do, Girvin tk co: 10 I b-: cheese, Howard; 121 From the small number of deaths, it will be seen that the diseases are extremely There O' Shtughuessy Martha mrsO'Brine WHUam Orr Oils John (67 Sth at) Owings Rebecca mrs O'Mara Margaret Payne Lucret'a Harriet orPendergrast Virginia miss 83" Operations in the Maysviile Cotton Mill Fish Frank Futh mrs Elizabeth Fennel John have been a few cases of Yellow Fever in ori- rdWri find iu the Indiana State Sentinel, the following appointments by the Governor of that State; R. Sutton, cf Washington City, Stenographer to the Constitutional Convention. D.

W. Miller, of New Albany, Warden of the State Prison, vice Lemuel Ford, deceased. were suspended on Saturday last, owing to the high price of raw cotton and the failure of yarns Foster John For KegnlaJ Packets see Ponrth Page. P.T)!!mptnn A Tant vata practice, but they are chiefly iu the First l.niirn Pattnn Cmt and thud Municipalities. At Law time iNew Flower Cr Fowler Cpt.

Ed wards to command correspoadi ng rates. The compa BBGULAR PACKBTS FOS SEW ORLEANS. Paine James Fox mrs Kitty Orleans is the healthiest city in the West. iV. O.

Crescent llth. BlUot Foster John ny have a pretty heavy stock of Cotton yarns an hand. The stoppage throws about one hundred Summer AmaDsement. Pantee A Levi at nni steam rs Perry Horatio Peterson Joseph (dsaiar In tobacco) Pepper Piepeabring Geo Picsericg Joseph Pie Wm (biack man) Fierce Edward Phillips Henry Phillips A Powell Wil'lam Powers Elmira mias Puwers Sarah mri Fowler Ambrose ForblsJohaM Fost- Fountain mrs Eliza Faodcrbalds John Pnllv n.iniel bands out of employment. BuaaLAEV.

Saturday night the boarding house of Mrs. Clark, on Main street, below Sth, Axrivals at the Principal Hotels. UP to ten o'clock last night. Gait House.

Jones, Shelbvviile: Page Payne ADM Parker Helen miss Paris David Parker Sylvia (colored) Parker Samuel Patrick Naomi FUzabeth Frances Jjhn FAMSY SMITH Capt. Wm. Richajdb, LBXINGTOH rpt- Js. Matbkb, will leave Louisville alternately, every 16 days, curing the season. These boats were built expressly to run during the low water season, (drawing orly 26 inches,) having large and airy caHns, with all the modem offer inducements to' passengers superior to any boats in the trade.

For freght or passage apply on board or to BESEDICT dt CARTER, Asrats. French Wm FryCT Frank mrs Mary was entered bv robbers, and several of the Falkner Charles Farn3leymlss Blixa Fanlconer Fergurson mrs Catharine Farnsley miss Eliza Fanst Fakes John Fable Fredrick Ferre'l Andrew Fast Andrew Forbes A Fergurson Fahy John Fitts Daniel Fitz Patrick V'm Fribman mrs Catheiine F.rth mrs Elizabeth Fulton Isaac Fleming Edward Puller mr (Jinitor College) Fleming Henrietta Flym Anne Floyd mrs Sarah Panton John Finney Thos Fusselbaugh Jacob Gray George Gray mr (corner 6th and Jeff) Graham Hugh Graves mrs Gray Autony Grabbmiss Elizabeth Graham Michael Grey John Gregory mrs Virginia Green miss Julia Ann Green Edward Green Edward (col man) Greenleaf Avin Shocking Sl-icide. A man named C. Coates, cut his throat last night about 12 o'clook, on Baker street, under the following distressing circumstances. In a fit delinum tremens he went out upon the roof of the house and raised a disturbance which alarmed the neighborhood.

Officers Pye and Jenkens, attempted to lead bim through the trap-door down stairs, when after he had passed nearly down, he cut his throat with a razor, and died in a few minutes. Cin. Dispatch. Sutler, Na hvllle; A Floyd, Florida; Bright, Madisoi; Queen, McCay. Bardsto-vR; A Wilson, Bloomlield; Adams.

Ciccinnati: Nichol. Biocm Potter fi Parker James Parker James boarders robbed of various articles of clothing. Fry Ceelia Parsons John (national cir-Postlewait Cathailne mra Pnn RUtn miss Among the articles stolen were three puir of ticld; t-ollidy, Lebanon; Mihell, Yaz jo Oty; A Glass, Honkiasville; Street, Cad I'arter, Mrs Trotter, Rivers, Hiss Brooker, Mrs Aykovd. Miss Parchrist Samuel (palBter)Poole Phebe miss pants, two cloth coals, several silk handkerchiefs Pnni' mrs Fry CH Fry Cary HDr Fry Tucker Gavin mr Gardner Levi Aykoyd, Tenu; Threlkeld, Shelbyville-. McMar-tin.

New York; Crawford. Miss: Parrott Horace and a gold finger ring. A reward will be given Parkhurst John FOR NEW ORLEANS. The new light draught steamer nmr DBaT Le Grand, Ark: MOalle', Pittsburg: Ind for the apprehension of the thieves. ParL-hmst SAmQel land, Elizabethtown; WD Hatch, Thomis.JH Brandenburg, master, will leave as above on this daJ U3The wife of Gan.

Avazenna, the Italian i nomas, enzaaetntown; uneaiss, La: A Nashville: Grooved rrv. LexinE. Gage Gay Patrick Galchrist Robert r-oe Tlr Tl the 2d at -1 o'clock, P. M. Forfreightor passage apply on boa'd, or to sepSdl a- i-a jjQGGS RTJSSBLL.

Patrick Naomi miss Parsa Peterson John Pearcey Richael miss Petting II Eben Pears, De wers Perry Sarah A miss -on; Fand White, Frankiin, Ky: Conner, Wood, Hopkinsville Wm Mo re. Me; patriot, accidently fell from the window of her residence in Broadway, New York, on the 25th Gamble James do, tlt icrlj 71 do, ot ttawson; do mdse, a 3 pkgs, Kiits Stoy; 4 do, Roggen-bereer co. 5 in iio, Gallagher; 5 do mdse, 3 do, Bryiiit; 5 bss, 8 663 pes uurb'e. PITTSBURGH St-'a mer Genesee 1 bos, Tal. bntt: 3 i.

Lewi; A Wiikei: 2 do. Arderon, McLane CO; 5 (Sr co; 1 box, Shields; 6 bxs, 5 kegs, A Hughes. PITTSBURGH Steamer Cape May 1 box drugs, Blancharil; Hdoni'Ue. Leightdr Hite; 35 bdls paper, I Cromie; il ois mdse, ii co; ldo, Clagett Miller; 1 do, 4 Is steel, Chambdri 4 pkgi, Hayoes; 1 box.S, A 1 trunk, Talbott; 6 bis, Miller cfc Gardcer; 1 do, Anderson, Mc Lane co; 5 pkgs, Bran-uon tfcTnatcber; 2 bales, A A Gordon. PITTSBURGH Steamer Haidee 1 box mdse, Stokes; 1 bale yarns, bxs mdse, 4 bales do, A Co; 4 bs do, A' Taloott; 2 do biles do, Brannon dc Hayden.

CINCINNATI Steamer Telegraph-(Saturday 12 pes furniture, Whitejobdls ii oa Waters; 2 pkgs, Hulls dr -ihiunon; 2 bales cotton, Webb; 11 doz brooms. pkgs. Fellowea co; 16 pkgs, SGbbls beer, 26 do apples, I do eggs, whan; 2 gs, 3 do, Lichtoa co; 3 eip pkgs, 37 pes bagging, 61 els rope, Hunt; 5 bbls linsred oil, Wilder; 5J bbls flour ,45 do whisky, 50 bxs soap, 1 bx, Praigg; 3 do, Birdslev; 3 do, Clegg; iron, A 1 box, Godsbaw; 2 do, 1 If dozehairs, Ste- le; 10 pes boiler iron, lot castings, Moorhead; 25 pkgs, 21 bxt. Barber ds co; 1 box, Smidt; 37 empty do, Musseilman; 10 bbls whisky, Si lhox.l bale, Garvin; 3 bxs, Baker Co; 3 do, North Small; 9 do, Bach co: 1 do, 1 do, Davidson, Brannin co; 7 do, Anderson, Mcs.ane fc co; 1 do, Claeget Si Miller; 16 do, A Vmwinklc; 12 do, Hayes dr Craig; 5 do, Taylor Raymond: 10 bales dc, Shi-Ids; 40 bbls oli.F McKay; 9 bxs mdse, A A Gordon; 2 do, Slaughter Carpenter; 12 bales, bxs, Hite Smsl'; 6 pkgs, 3 do hardware, Sberly Bscott; 80 bbls whisky, Jones; 1 bx, Grant; ldo, Mar. iner: 4 bdls, Davidson di co: 61 bags wheat, Sneadife co; 36 bbls flour, Clifion Atkinson; 1 pkge, Carter; baskets peaches, A Munn Sc co.

CINCINNATI Steamer Nor River (Sunday) 2 biles, BentA; DuvslI: 4 bxs, r.o; 11 do, Low A co; 4 do, 1 keg, Johnson; 3-5 pkgs tS; 19 do, 6 pes in straw, Rupert di co; 22 bxs glass. Liwis; 27 do, Lewis ds Wilkes; 21 domdse, Breed; 2 do, Blanchard; 12 do, Deering; 40 do tobacco, dico: ware, Godsbaw; 71 bxs mdse, dt Gailoretn treorgo Cockull, Ccckrill, CocknP, Davidson, Nasbvi'le; Hanes, Hanes, Miss: Mason, La: Morris, BO; sK Sayre, Warner, Hon. George W. Barboar passed through flopkinsville on Sunday last, on his way to Frankfort, to enter upon the duties of First Auditor, to which station he has been appointed by Gov. Helm.

Hopkinsville (Ky.) Press. The Governor has pardoned Merritt Young, sentenced to the State prison from this place the citizens having united in a strong petition for that purpose. Indianapolis Sentinel. nit. and was BO severely injured that very little FOR NEW ORLEANS The splendid steamer FANNY SMITH.

Gamble Hon rt ClTIll mer, Lex'ngton, Floyd. F.orida; Dr Rice, USA, hopes of her recovery are entertained. Garret Geo Quighes Francis iirk Michael tCfThe attention of the proper authorities is Gannon Thos Gaither George Galbraith miss SB Portsmouth, Asac Upson, a Whaley, City; Wilson, Gallakcu, Madison; Dr Hendricss, Hopkins, Keen, Bvansvi lc; Whit, Cincinnati; Lewis, Miss A Lewis, Home: GIshsm, Clu; Levins, City: Dr Cox.Ga; A LVawter. Bicon. drawing 26 inches water, Richards, master, is expected to ariiva on Tuesday.

Sept. 3d, and will have qulcs despatch as above. For freight orpaasage apply on board or to BENEDICT dr CARTER, or au 27 did BOGGS RUSSELL. directed to Brook Street, between Main and Green Hcrauo -allaher Jamea a i.alianer jaine a Raymond A Dmi-lin C3 Gn w.w Ganatt mr (care Ow Green Henry ftri-pnrv AhnerW Market. A number of old carts and waggons, besides one or two dead dogs are lumbering the Postleweieht Joseph Preign Francls(ecgineer) Preston Pryor Rich Col Prather mrs Putnam A Ipheus master Putnam Andiian Plunkett Thomas Putnam Moalpha Plunkett Absalom Quertimu? Quigley mrs Rohm 227 Market st Ross Wilhan Rounds James Rothchild Rots Sarah miss Ross Rollins Bit hard Rose Lloyd Ross Laura mrs Roagen Wm Ross A mis3 Ross Robert Salathie! Kodges Mary Ann Robinson James Rodgcrs John (Walnut st) Kobios Morrison EobUon alindy miss Roberts Capt Roberts Margaret Tnhn Ramsey John Dr During the past three days Government cou tracts have been made, in this city, for the ear Hopkinsville; A Pattillo, James, Paris, Te; Andrews and Miis A Yuger, VicSsburg; Proc tor, New Orleans; Ivey, il Cunlce.

itte-mun, Reynolds, Moore, Brandon, Pa-ducih; PWD.trrel, Cincinoa McLure, Bowling Geens Joseph Gerger Samuel FOR SAINT LOUIS The fine steamer A TTJR7. streets. ueiger samuei nths. Limenfearverl fciaugu nomas, -uiii-iwi Randall Wm Hawson Mary mrs 2 Ragin Catharine Radcr George Ratcliffe Baird Ralo-ff RfiTTIiiel ly delivery of bags of superfine flour the bulk of 4,300 bbls. at the rate of S4 per bbl.

The filling of this contract within a given time, has had some little effect upon wheat, and Green; Pend-rgrast; Woodw-ard, St Louis; Phillips, Boston. Gill Zachariah Boss, master, will leave as above tbis day, the 2r.d, at 10, A. M. Forfreight or passage apply on board or to sep 2 di I. 8.

MOORHEAD. Louisville Hotel Stanton, Miss Slauton. West. St. Louis papers announce the arrival of Porter, the Kentucky giant, in that city.

He talks of locating there as soon as he is done Gilbert Wm it Gilbert A rrniilund miss Rllen no oouot an agency producing the slight ad port; 1 blewart, a smuh, Bostoua: RawUES vance in flour noticed since it was effected. In Jones, Jeffjrsouville; Giodrich, New Haven; Gibson mrs Mai garet Greany James Green mrs A Gross mrs Gresham Grimn John Greuinger Adalalde Gregory Tilford Gregory Looisa. Gregory Eliza A Guy John Glaser Philip Glenn Andrew Glynn Blizabeth Glynn John Glynn Robt Glore FOR SAINT LOUIS. The substantial light draught packet Adams, Hei derson; vy Nevill, lenn; Burgess. addition to the flour, lar.e suoolies of bacon.

Kieiy Micnaei Renolds mr (a barber) Rt-a RHxabeth mrs Levi. Colman. Cli lt A WxsxuTe and serv't, Miss; Rochester and 2 Miss Rochester H.mitnn m.l will laV aS abOVC OU Mondy canaies, soap ana otner articles, have been purchased for the use of our troops upon the west Gibson nos Gipcerlek John Gill'mrs Mary Ann Gommel Frederick Gore Edward Goslee capt James Danville; Jlaneul, UUMrd, ills; Oliphant the 2d Sept at 10 o'clock, A. M. Levy, Franklin; Gray an IL, Mrs ern irontier.

ar. Kcp. 3UtA. ReU'y Reagtn Wm Reaser Huffman mossrs Ricks Louisa Maria Lowit. vi: Nelson.

Morton. Pavoe. PP I. MOOR HB AD. tr Norton.

Kussellvllle Thsmas, Collins. Grant wm lSWe copy the following from the "Bmns- le; a msxo.e, ra-uciu; iiicnii, Te; co; 2 do, GosneU dt Matlack; 16 do, co; 11 do. FOR ST. LOUIS. The superior steamer i GENNESEE, orlll l.v fnr linn ahOTS A A liOrdOU; 1 do, 15 IT D'ic co; ly uu, otaugutei, Rich Buxa miss Ryder Murty naiherine miss wicker," a paper published at Brunswick, Mo John, chair makerHarris Bdward tl tsaiy, mason A youoKer, ra; a Louis; Bingham, RichirJs.jn, Hooker, Wa.ker, St Louis; A Downssnd Miss: Honote co; 6 do, North small; 3 do, Licthen eo; 1 do.

Giifmh; '2 casks do, Wilkes bro; 1 do, Affray. Our town was the theatre of a se port, on this day, the 31st at 10, A. M. Hayden Regan mrs (6th street) Shields; 5 bxs, Barber or CO; do, Brown, Curtis dz 8 Walworth and Howell, M- rry, Venn: Capt ii Fowler, US Starling, Star'i, For freight or passage appiy ou uuacu unu au31 dl I. S.

MOORHEAD. Hackney mr Hayes Allen rious tragedy last Wednesday evening. On that day a tailor, named R. H. Carroll, who Vance; 13 do, Hiyssdr Craig; iu do, A B-vnwinKie; nyan juyum i Richardson William Roberts Jos? ph Rochester Geo Rush Thomas Rmsell Henry Russell Russell Capt Rudd Frank (Market st) Russell Mr Rose Martha mrs IS bbls oil, 2 do alcohol wnuer or co; 3 nxsmose, Henderson; BtrdsonsndF, La; Blossom, Mrs Blossom, Greenville.

Ia; Ferrell. Ills: Rob. Haziep tjeo was a former resident here and whose father KeganPatrck Gill; 6 do, White; 4 pes maroie, Bacon Cobb; IU bxs mdse, Cochran dr son; 2 do, Bnlkley; 2 do. inson and CiEcinnati- FOR PITTSBURGH The light draught passenger packet TTATT. cnt.TTMRTA.

Harden mrs Elizabeth lives in Delhi, 111., returned ou the steamer Sar-anak, after having both by frequent couversa Exchanse Hotel Wheeier. Lagranse: Thos Vayloroz tiaymood; dpaga, "nwe acuimsuw; a uui growing. He is now only i reel incnes in nis stockings. Laeoe Failure. The New York Journal of Commerce announces the failure of Messrs.

W. C. A. A. Hunter, heavy flour and producs dealers.

Their liabilities are estimated at one million of dollars. Cincinnati papers announce the death of Mi. John A. D. Burrows, one of the most active and enterprising merchants of that city.

been ascertained that Hon. P. Hall, Anti Benton, has been elected to Congress from the fourth Congressional District, by a majority of 82 votes over Bowman, Whig. O-Sarah Goedon is the name of another new boat that arrived at the wharf Saturday. She is engaging a freight for New Orleans, and is in charge of Capt.

Henckley. Hayden Thos Hawes linseed oil, Morris dr co; 7 exp pkgs, Boggs Rus- rucnesson joub Ryan Richard Reilly John Rone William Green. master, will leave as above on Monday, the Neal, Henry co; BTrice, Rev A Searsand L. Hiss oll. 17 nr.

hoilr iron. -3 Keei white lead, oox. 2d inst, at 19, A. M. tions and by lett ers, said things deeply scandalizing the wife of Mr.

John R. Newbold, tailor Hair Joshua Spurgen 9 bxs mdse 3S cattys tea, Adams CO; 30 Pkgs mdse, Lakia; diHalben; sears, HopxiDSvi'le; urtu tjraham, nockport, Ia; Murray, Ctoverport, Ky; Hendricks, Madison; Sfrayliom, KussellviUe; Dykirs, Buford, Ky; Rowiett, Woodsonville; Dr Wm Frank, Glasgow; CA tror ireignt or passage appiy on ooaru or ro sep2d3 J. C. BUCKLES CO; of this place; and also avowing the desiffn of car 1 hve (ltns. K.

I. co: i 3UCCI3, DC uimcr iiuu, Hays Hale Wall Tames rying her off. When he came back, us it was AdtT; la bdls iron, 2 bbls soaps tone, "Tight; 1 Everhart, Bowiirg Green; Guest, Woolworth, FOR TUSCUKBI A AND FLORENCE. The regular packet believed he never would, Mr. Newbold was in Hall Pernelipus Sawyer Samnel 1 Siunders Frances mrs Samuels John box.JCartsr: 4 bbls ale, iu qo oeer, order; aexppags; 1 box, Vernon; 1 ds, Baum; 2 do, A Root formed ef these facts, and immediately taking a lilhSlsJirrmr.

Ha hert On oxs. WOOOTUn cs Bloy Hamert a Hale miss Samantha end. m.ofr. wTtiieave as above on Wednesday, tie. pistol wainen to tne room wnere uarroll was.

1 do, Lacti; 1 package, Beckwith dc Morton; 1 box, OillJlOl Smderson Ahh Mar.a mrs Harper Rev James Harris Isaiah Harlan Wm Hemple John Hefftrn James Herrjohn Hendricks Jos Heynan John Hewett mrs Clarie Hemphill Hon John Hennessen master 2 Henk'e John Herbert mrs Blizabeth Heffeman Thomas Heffimsn jr Henderson Jordon Henderson John Higglns Andrew Hinkly Heymuller Prof Hegglnsmr A Hikes mrs Hjggins Abagsil Hart mrs Matilda Hopkins Smith Honnire Joan Hopkins Capt Wm Houghton Geo Hotter Wm Hodge Hermann Thos Hoag Houston Henry Horgan David nL-mirnntWrn it 3 O'clock, P. M. Stokes. and calling him to the door, shot him in the breast near the heart. Carroll fell to the floor, CINCINN ATI Steamer Jiarina no -l ions pig Sale SestonWm jcahnltmisa MaratTSt Hall mrs Mary 2 Hall mrs Pernelipus Haley A rromiltnn James 2 sep2d3 i.

s. MOORHEAD. iron, McDermot bro. and died in less tnan an hour. FLORBNCK Steamer Lpc otave JO uaga yam.

See Barney Mr. Newbold, who is one of our most peacea a. n. nHttq. 9 tnves.

wauace St Lltngow: oaie Harris miss Jossetta FOR BOWLING GHBBS. The regular packet MAMMOTH CAVE. sears wm cotton, co; 25 tons pigiron, Cornwall bro; Haynes Josepn Hardin miss Mary Ann Seward Ana mrs Srnt Tl Ttr.nar. master, will leave as above on Monday the ble citizens, gave himself up to the authorities, and has been undergoing a trial before Justices Shepperd and Mauzey. We will only add that the testimony shows Carroll to have been an S-harch Carrie miss Rochester Ky; Gilbert, KussellviUe: Adkiu, Woodford; CT Coppuge, Clark Wood, Barrenco; McGuire, Bowling G.een; Allison, jr, Price, Bowling Green; Moss, Greensbarg; JKidd.Evans ville; Daily, Ciurinnati; Caruth, Bowling Green; A Andrews, HGoodale, Tenn; Jacksoi, Jefferson CO; Burdett and Master urdsill.

Franklin, La; GCar'er, Caldwell, Franklin Co; Palmer, New Albany; Cooper, RChilders, Logan Co; Chap-line, Hart Mitchell, Gratumpton; Henry, couuty. Hotel DeHaine.T Fiuley, New York; HcCann, Lexington; Hastings, Carson, Shelbyville; Chambrrs, Aurora, la; 8j TirUon, county; A Watts, Cipt Kean, Lagrange; Wymond, Aurora, la John Mamell, Bardstown; A FVance, couuty; Watts, Bardstown; Talbott, New Orleans; Simpson, Shelby co. Commercial Hotel. Baker, Murry, Rumsev, Ky; DrDorsej, Henderson; Hancock, Green, Greenville: Mace, JL Mirton, Miss: Willsorj. Howard nm Bnnrh 2d Inst, at 11 o'atlock, A.

positively. JOdodo, RoichALong; UUJS moacco, warenouae; ok-'s -inseng, Wilder dco; 3 do, Rupert ds co; 3 pes liniey, I Cromie; 3 pkgs ginseng, 2 do, rn. hvq. Warren: 5 stoves. Mobbid Taste.

The Boston Bee states that windows overlooking the jailyard in which Pro Howard di Brothers For rreicni or passage appiy on noara orio 3er2 dl I- S. MORBBBAD. Smith Joseph (institution for.the blind) Smith Johd Luciuw Smith Joseph AngustlEe Smith Mr (prosesser oi mu- sic) Smitn Elizabeth mrs Smith Thomas Smith TWtfc Co Smith William Sweeney Mary A mrs Spriggins Thomas Snider Andrew (masician) Spurrier 2 Small Henry Sneiling Miry Jana miss 9 Smizer JW4 Louis Elder SpricgeT Edward (Sth st) Spalding James (tinner) Speer Joseph Spead Lucretia ralss Springer Peter Springer BdwiJd Spears Rebecca mis Spradly Wash ngten jr Stewart Coleman mesm Stewart John Stiiwell John taut A StringfeUow Dr. Stener Stifle Amandy miss Wright; 2 hags feathers, abandoned libertine, and professedly a reckless man: and that public opinion is entirely with Hants Ho-wnrd James TO Scott George Sohline CW Schively Catharice miss Shaffer trader Lucindah mrs Shaujhnessy Bridget fessor Webster was executed, were let out at S10 FOR MEMPHIS. The mairnrJ5eentligh tonsiron.

New Aioany. FKANKFORTSteamerBlue Wing 2o pes bagging; 5 bales, Buckles co; 91 pes baggins, 137 els rope, T- an nrs Mcffett Ford: 85 do do, 1 draught packet -trrTTriH. for each individual- Hoeli mrs Geo his slayer. At the request of Mr. Newbold's friends we abstain from giving the evidence, as Cne -owitb, master, will leave as above on Monday, the Hc-umphrey isaian Huallymrs Stiaier jamca Sharrar John box Ben S'out, 3Jpcs bagging, 66cls rope.Smith i Shotwell; 30 els rope, Thos Smith; 2 bales limeys, thus far detailed.

He has been acquitted. 2d inst, at 10, A. M. Hurd mrs Emma Hurd mrs jsnuua for trctght or passage apply en waiuiuriu sep 2 dl ASHAM js. Humnhrey miss Catharine nopinns ratnes James Cromey; 40 pes bagging, scls rope, lo gan co; 1 box mdse, Adims dr co; 1 bag feathers, rtratinon Thatcher.

UniTur Wm DIED, Hunt Short Samuel hrader Wm Simple JohnW mpson Simpson enry Simmonds John A QimTiinn I 4 FOR HASH VILLI. The fine steamer Georgetown; A withers, WtstooioL, Ky; LDorsey, st r.nrrrs steamer Chief Justice Mtrshall 27 oxs Yesterday n-orning, Horace 11 months Coleman dr co: 122do do. Donlap jenerauu t.u. willlave as above on Mon- S3" The steamer Chief Justice Marshall from Saint Louis, arrived yesterday morning with 4 New Orleans mails 77 bags bringing dates to the 20th ult. For The steamer Gon.Bcnt starts to New Orleans this evening at 4 o'clock Horn Portland, co; SOlkegs white lead, Wilder dr CO; 4 United States intact son ttf Ransom ana Araanua ueianu.

The tender flower before its bloom, Thus suddenly plucked for the tomb. Holmes mrs Hancy Holmes Jotra Holmes Richard A Holland Robt Hatchings dt Co Bowles House. 33 White, Brinsman.Jeffers8n date hinaon Ralph Hurd tliighey Wm Huodty Bughs mrs Mary Jane Huntler Ralph Humphcry Bary day, the 2d at 4o'clock, P. M. For freight or page.applv mma Fanny mrs 'wnrrr-nals-a S'pamer Amazonia 13 kffs shot.

co; Wm GwyHn, Shelby co; Pickston and sister, Westport; Bush, Lexington; GRice, Mo; pigs lead, Pugb; 6 hhds tobacco, Holbrook; 112 sacks Simpson jr. At half past 8 A.gai., on Thursday, 29th William Alexakder, infant son of John and Maria Yonng aged 14 iLOQtns and 21 days. Kurs2ll, mown, oaeioyvme; a miteueu, Ulayvil lagei Wilkes, Paris, Ky, wneat, utiuue a ii.

The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky (2025)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.