The Winona Daily News from Winona, Minnesota (2024)

OCTOBER 10, 1953 Women Kick Off Drive for Chest; Solicitors Named About 85 attended the kickoff meeting persons, Community Chest women's section Friday at the YMCA. Mrs. R. W. Miller, chairman of the section who presided at the meeting, thanked the workers for their wholehearted response to the call for volunteers.

Lester Stevens, chairman of the 1953 fund raising campaign, Publicity Chairman Harold Atwood, Arthur A. Gallien and Herbert Johnson also appeared during the program. Fair Shares Checked Stevens pointed out that all donation cards were carefully checked by a committee to determine the fair share for each donor, and he cautioned them against being hesitant in solicitations. "Let the people know what is expected of them," he said, addingad are trying to spread among all of the people so that no one individual has to give too much." Mrs. Miller also introduced Miss Dorothy Laabs, secretary of the Winona Community Chest Mrs.

Ward Lucas, founder of the Winona Community Chest; Miss Leona Ebel, executive director of the Winona Girl Scouts, and Miss Dorothea Huntley, executive director of YWCA. Miss Huntley participated in an original skit, "The solicitor: Sells Herself," written by Mrs. Adolph Bremer. Attending the meeting were: Stanley Pettersen (division leader), R. M.

Thompson (captain), H. C. Aakre, Harry R. Strehlow, Anton Steinke, Carl Frank, John Timmons (captain), Ed Baumann, C. R.

Huling, Art Johnson, Charles Stahmann, D. W. Powell (captain), H. Schlabinski, Harvey Hogan, Ray Beck and R. H.

Laak. Mmes. Martin Peterson (captain), John David, John Fuhlbrugge, Carrol Syverson, Fred Schilling, Gerald Turner (captain), Maurice Miller, Carl Larson, E. K. Thorson, William Reinerts, Leo Murphy Jr.

(division leader), Thomas Underdahl (captain), Ted Biesanz, Robert Brehmer, Allen Jr. and William Janssen. Mmes. B. A.

Miller (captain), S. F. Frankel, R. W. Fawcett, John Epps, L.

W. Goldberg, J. Martin, H. K. Robinson (captain), J.

L. Krogstad, John Pendleton, H. A. Tornow, H. Choate, E.

F. Heberling (captain), John Parish, Ray Schultz, Wil- 'All Old Souls' Invited To Newest Ghost Town JEROME, Ariz. (P) Arizona's newest ghost town wants "all the old souls" to come home for Halloween. "We'll make it a real night of spooks," said Mayor John E. McMillan, one of the few who stayed around after the once-rich mines played out.

McMillan sent his request to all former the old souls" he 'em. DAILY RIVER BULLETIN Flood Stage 24-hr. Stage Today Chg. Red Wing 14 2.7 Lake City 6.1 Reads Landing 12 3.2 5, T.W. 2.2 Dam 4, T.W..

4.3 Dam 5-A, T.W. 3.4 Winona 13 5.5 Dam 6, Pool 10.2 Dam 6, T.W. 3.9 Dakota 7.2 7, Pool 9.2 Dam 7, T.W. 1.7 La Crosse 12 4.6 Tributary Streams Chippewa at Durand 2.1 Zumbro at Theilman 3.6 Trempealeau at Dodge 0.0 Black at Neillsville 2.4 Black at Galesville, 0.8 La Crosse at W. Salem 1.4 Root at Houston 6.2 Root at Hokah 40.0 RIVER FORECAST (From Hastings to Guttenberg) The stages in the Mississippi this district will not change very much over weekend or until effective occurs.

Faith liam Bailey Robert Kropp; Mmes. L. and. Brynestad (division leader), Stanley Hardt (captain), Harold Nystrom, C. E.

Pingle, A. Grant Burleigh, A. Schleder, Leonard Slaggie, R. L. Lokensgard (captain), Wendell Fish, Luther Arnold, Bernard O.

Matson, Duane T. Boyum, Arne Steivang, Milton Davenport (captain), Judd Fredericksen, Harry McGrath, B. M. Pederson andn R. H.

Watkins; Mmes. Arthur Dorn (captain), E. D. Hempel, T. W.

Smeed, J. P. Emanuel, Philip Baumann, C. A. Fockens (division leader), Philip Feiten (captain), Hubert Weir, Urban Schugart, Frank Subject, Laurence Jaszewski, J.

C. Dalleska (captain), Vernon Campbell, Bernard Gerson, Stanley Stolpa, Richard Hassett and C. P. Hartner; Mmes. Clinton Kuhlmann (captain), A.

W. Fair, Robert Verchota, Berton Duffy, Paul Kuhlmann, Miss Josephine Steinbauer, Mmes. Brietzke, H. G. Eugene Giddings Brodhagen, (captain), R.

Albert D. Whittaker, Gretchen Lamberton and the floating committee, consisting of Mmes. L. R. Woodworth (captain), Milton Goldberg, S.

J. Kryzsko, Ward Lucas, James McConnon and E. R. Streater. Municipal Court Phillip Streng, Minnesota City, paid a $10 fine after pleading guilty to a charge of operating a motor vehicle with no driver's license.

He was arrested by the Minnesota Highway Patrol on Highway 61 in Goodview at 1:45 a.m. Sunday. Carlton Huff 16, Homer, appeared in court on a charge of operating a motor vehicle with illegal equipment. The arrest was made by the patrol on Highway 43 at 10:30 p.m. Thursday.

Because of the age of the defendant, the case was referred to the juvenile court. The sentencing of Harry Aye, 154 Huff who previously pleaded guilty to a charge of resisting an officer, was continued for another week. Edward Kohner, Minnesota City, paid $15 fine after pleading guilty to a charge of speeding. He was arrested by police at 7:45 a.m. today for driving 42 miles an hour on Broadway from South Baker street east to Sioux street.

James Kohner, 206 Harvester H. B. Arnston, Merchants Hotel; Charles Newell, 519 W. Mark and Phil Kaczorowski, W. 3rd each appeared in court on warrants charging meter violations.

Each guilty Kaczorowski to a violation Aug. 29, Newell, Sept. 16; Arnston, Sept. 15, and Kohner, Sept. 2 and paid a $2 fine.

Parking deposits were forfeited John McGuire, James Kohner (on three counts), the Rev. Anvie Peterson, C. Paul Venables, (on four counts) Brad Baumann (on two counts), Mrs. M. Swanson, J.

S. Christopher and Martin Beatty, for meter violations; Delores Maliszewski, Gordon Flowers and Vatter Motor Co. for overtime parking, and Virgil Brunges, for alley parking. AFL UNION MEETINGS Local 231, International Brother- hood of Bookbinders, Monday 8 p.m., Labor Temple. Winona Building Construction Trades Council, Monday 8 p.

Labor Winona Trades Labor Council, Wednesday 8 p.m., Labor Temple. Local 325, Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, Thursday 7:30 p.m., Labor Temple. Local 307, United Brotherhood of Carpenters Joiners of America, Friday 7:30 p.m., Labor Temple. Bulletin of Winona Churches JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Main 4th Sts. (Above Red Owl) p.

address, "New Heavens and a New Earth," by H. Hosting. 3:15 p. discussion in the Sept. 1 issue.

Subject, "Walk in the Name of Jehovah Our God Forever." the Bible aid, the book, "New Heavens Tuesday, 8 p. discussion, using and a New Earth." Thursday, p. Ministry School. Discussions on becoming better theocratic ministers of God. Review of lesson 29.

Instruction talk on lesson 30. First student talk on "Lord's Prayer Nears Answer." Second student talk on Quran-Literary Miracle?" Third student talk on "Cyrus." Thursday, 9 p. -Service meeting. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Rev. Gordon Wendland, Minister (Corner of W.

King and South, Baker) 9:30 School with classes for all. Allen Tschumper, general superintendent. 10:30 a. service. Pastor's sermon theme: "Angels Who Guide Us." Mrs.

Kenneth Rand, organist. Organ numbers: Prelude, "Prelude" by Grieg: offertory, Religiouso" by Smith, and postlude, "Temple March" by Lyon. 7-9 p. open house at parsonage. Wednesday, p.

m. Annual chicken supper in church social rooms sponsored by WSWS. Thursday- Choir rehearsal at the church. Monday, 7 p. of the board of Christian education at the church.

Monday, 8 p. of the church council of administration at the church. Saturday, 10:30 a. m. Confirmation class meets in the youth room, GRACE PRESBYTERIAN (East Fifth and Franklin The Rev.

Layton N. Jackson. 9:30 a. School with classes for all ages. 10:30 a.

service. Sermon by the pastor. "A Voice in the Wilderness." Miss Elenora Treder playing the service. 12:15 p. Presbyterian Voice" over KWNO.

Wednesday, 8 p. -Service of intercession and direction. A study in the Christian life and church membership will be held. The public is invited. Thursday, 7 p.

fellowship for young people will meet at the church. 8 p. rehearsal will be held at 177 W. King St. with Miss Leonora Treder, director.

THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS (MORMON) Allan Peters, Elder Sanford Flake, Elder John H. Mangum, Elder 10:30 a. School and sacrament service. Services each Sunday at the Masonic Temple. SALVATION ARMY (112 3rd St.) 10 a.

m. Sunday School. 11:15 a. worship. 6:45 p.

People's meeting. 8 p. service. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH (401 Sanborn) Pastor V. W.

Emmerson. 10 a. School. Marie Schaefer, superintendent. 11 a.

services every Saturday. GOODVIEW TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH (Church of the Lutheran Hour) The Rev. Burnell Beyers 8:30 a. service. Fellowship "Let Us Hold Fast Our Profession of Jesus, the Son of God." 9:30 a.

School. Tuesday, 4:15 p. Confirmation class. Wednesday, 7:30 p. people's meeting at the church.

Thursday, 4:15 p. m. Confirmation class. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (West Sanborn and Main) The subject of the lesson-sermon read in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, throughout the world Sunday is Sin, Disease and Death Real?" Golden text: "God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause His face to shine upon us; that Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy saving health among all nations." (Psalms 67:1,2.) Sunday services at 11 a. m.

Sunday School at 11 a. m. Wednesday meeting at 8 p. m. A reading room is located in the church building.

It is open weekdays from 1:30 p. m. to 5 p. m. THE WINONA REPUBLICAN-HERALD, WINONA.

MINNESOTA Page The Daily Record Saturday, October 10, 1953 Two-State Deaths Winona Deaths At Winona General Hospital (Visiting hours: 2 to 4, 7 8.30 p. (Two visitors permissible per patient simultaneously.) FRIDAY Admissions Fred Doerr, Winona Rt. 1. Robert Livingstone, 572 E. King St.

Stephanie Knopick, 563 E. Broadway. Susan Kulas, 56 High Forest St. Donald Laufenburger, 320 E. 4th St.

George Dolle, Trempealeau, Wis. 0. C. Goodman, W. Wabasha St.

Birth Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Peterson, 473 Sioux a son. Discharges Mrs. Arthur Redig, Winona Rt.

1. Mrs. Agnes Krueger, 312 Johnson St. Clinton Jessen, St. Charles.

Mrs. John Lueders, Altura. Mrs. Alois Jung, 1880 W. 5th St.

Mrs. Philip Kaczorowski and baby, W. 3rd St. Donald Laufenburger, 320 E. 4th St.

Stephanie Knopick, 563 E. Broadwaysan Kulas, 56 High Forest St. Robert Livingstone, 572 E. St. VITAL STATISTICS Births and deaths in the city during September compared with a year ago, were announced day by the department of health as follows: September, 1953 Deaths-12 Resident 10 Nonresident 2 Births-64 Male 32 Female 32 September, 1952 Deaths 16 Births 72 So far in 1953 Resident deaths 164 Resident births 372 CENTRAL METHODIST (West Broadway and Main) Dr.

T. W. Potter The Rev. Edw. W.

Pfluke Jr. 9:30 a. School. Classes for all ages. 10:30 a.

service. Nursery for infants and small children under trained supervision. Organ prelude by Gounod and postlude by Saint Saens will be played by Miss Agnes Bard, organist. Senior choir, directed by Milton Davenport, will sing "The 100th Psalm." Sermon by pastor. 3:30 p.

and intermediate MYF meet at McKinley Methodist Church for subdistrict meeting. Monday, 4 p. -Brownies. 7 p. troops 24 and 53.

7 p. Scouts. 7 p. MYF council meeting. Tuesday, 3:45 p.

Scout troop 4. 7:30 p. Scout leaders meeting. 7:30 p. -Girl Scout leaders meeting.

Wednesday, 4 p. Scout troop 38. 7 p. choir. 7 p.

Scout troop 5. 7:30 p. Scout leaders training Thursday, 6 p. -Methodist Men dinner. 7 p.

choir. 7:30 1 p. Foundation. Friday, 6 p. Scout dinner in guild hall.

FIRST BAPTIST (West Broadway and Wilson) The Rev. Joseph A. Carlson 9:45 a. School with classes for all age groups. Mrs.

M. O. Holland, superintendent. 10:45 a. service.

Dr. Anton Pearson, St. Paul, guest speaker. Organ selections by Mrs. William Ferguson, "Meditation Religieuse" by Schreiner, "Child's Prayer" by Kullak, "Festival March" by Teilman.

Anthem, "Praise Ye the Lord," by the choir. 6:30 p. service. CHURCH OF CHRIST -Hotel Winona) Minister Wayne Mickey 2:15 p. broadcast.

CHURCH OF CHRIST (W. Broadway S. Baker) 9:45 a. School. 10:45 a.

and communion. Sermon: "'The Greatest Questions Ever Asked." 7:30 p. service. Sermon: Side of Jericho Road." H. L.

McMillen will preach at both morning and evening services. Catholic Services CATHEDRAL OF SACRED HEART (Main and West Wabasha) The Rt. Rev. Joseph Hale The Rev. Francis Kunz The Rev.

Paul Halloran The Rev. Lawrence J. Murtagh Masses-6, 7, 8, 9:30 and 11 m. Weekday 7:15 and 8 a. m.

Holy day masses-6. 7. 8 and 9 a. m. and 12:10 p.

m. ST. STANISLAUS (East 4th and Carimona) The Rev. N. F.

Grulkowski Rev. Harold Gavin The Rev. Harold Paul The Rev. Douglas Gits Masses- 5:30, 7:15, 8:30, 9:30 and 11:15 a. m.

Vespers at 3 p. m. Weekday masses-7, 7:30 and 8 a. m. Holy day 6:30.

8 and 9:30 m. Confessions- Saturdays, days before holy days and Thursdays before first Fridays, 3 to 5:30 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m.

ST. CASIMIR'S (West Broadway near Ewing) The Rev. John P. Hurynowicz Sunday masses-8 and 10 a. m.

Weekday masses-8 a. m. Holy day a. m. ST.

MARY'S (West Broadway near Bierce) The Rt. Rev. R. E. Jennings The Rev.

Donald Leary Sunday masses-7, 8:30 and 10:30 Weekday masses-7 and 8 a Holy day masses-6. 7. 8 and 9 a ST. JOHN'S (East Broadway and Hamilton) The Rev. Daniel Tierney The Rev.

Francis Galles Sunday masses-7, 9 and 11 a. m. Weekday mass-8 a. in. Holy day mass-6, 7 and 9 a.

Robert Frank MERRILLAN, Wis. (Special)F Funeral services for Robert Frank, 25, who died en route to a Black River Falls hospital Monday evening following an automobile accident, were held today at 2 p.m. the Alma Center Lutheran Church, the Rev. Fred Boelter officiating, Legion Members and of the Veterans county of Foreign Wars posts conducted graveside rites at the Alma Center Cemetery. Frank, who had serving with the Army at Ft.

Lewis, was a Korean veteran. He bad been in the Army for seven years and served and Korea. He is his parents, vivedapan Mr. and Mrs. George Frank, four brothers, Leonard and Alfred, Merrillan; Harold, Black River Falls, and Walter, Baraboo, and three sisters, Mrs.

Otto Lange, Cornell; Mrs. Roger Davis, Ettrick, and Mrs. Forrest Tande, California. Loyd Sebenaler ST. CHARLES, Minn.

(Special)Loyd Sebenaler, 57, a former Winona County resident, died Wednesday of a heart attack while at work at Ennis, Mont. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 9 a.m. at the St. Charles Catholic Church, the Rev. H.

L. McNallan officiating. Burial will be in the Calvary Cemetery. The Rosary will be said at 8 p.m. Monday at the Sellner Funeral Home.

Sebenaler, was 9, 1896, born in the son Winona of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sebenaler. He went to Montana in 1926. Sebenaler never married.

He is survived by a brother, P. J. Sebenaler, Minter, and three sisters, Mrs. Peter Mueller, Winona, and Mrs. Dell Rendernick and Mrs.

Thomas Small, both of St. Charles. James Thornton CALEDONIA, Minn. (Special) Funeral services will be held here Tuesday morning for Thornton, 67, a Winnebago Valley farmer who died at his home Friday night after an illness of several weeks. He is survived by his wife, the former Ellen Cavin; two sisters, Mrs.

George Cerny and Miss Hannah Thornton, La Crosse, and two brothers, Peter, La Crosse, and John, Caledonia. Services will be held Tuesday at 9 a. m. at the Blaschke Funeral Home and at 10. a.

m. at the St. Nicholas Church at Freeburg, the Rev. Joseph Koch officiating. Burial will be in the Jefferson Cemetery near New Albin.

A Rosary will be said at the funeral home at 8 p. m. Monday. TEMPERATURES ELSEWHERE High Low Prec. Duluth 49 39 Intl.

Falls 61 37 Paul 69 47 Abilene 88 55 Chicago 75 47 Denver 81 48 Des Moines 72 45 Kansas City 76 47 Los Angeles 74 58 Miami 82 71 .07 New York 65 48 Phoenix 97 58 Seattle 63 55 1.48 Washington 67 44 CAB DRIVER (Continued from Page 1.) Hall about it Hall told him: "John, if you knew the truth, you'd really get a kick out of it." Hager said he later got Hall a place to stay a motor court, bought him shaving equipment and arranged for delivery of a note to Mrs. Bonnie Heady, also charged with Hall in case. Hager said that this tourist court "Steve went coat, came back and tossed a fistful of $20s on the bed. He said he was half looped and asked me to count it. There was $2,480.

He pulled another $20 from his pocket, handed me the $2,500 and said, 'John, I want you to keep this Shows Gun "He walked to the closet, came back with a .38 caliber revolver this a and said, 'Ain't Hager told of returning Tuesday morning with a rented car, ansuitcase and a briefcase other, by Hall. Hall then had Hager take the 0'Day woman where she could get a cab, he said. While riding with she said "There must be a million dollars back there," Hager related. "That's when I got scared," he told Schafers. He said he went back to Steve at the tourist court where Hall told him he was an ex-convict and that insurance investigators were looking for him.

When Hager saw Hall the first time that morning, he said, "Steve was wild, pacing up and down like a mad man. He said the plans had been changed." Hager said he was away from Hall about three hours Tuesday afternoon. On his return, he said, he noticed mud on the fenders of the rented car which he had left with Hall. He said Hall then appeared in a good frame of mind. Hager rented an apartment for Hall at his request.

It was there Lt. Shoulders arrested Hall at 8 p.m. Oliver C. Goodman Oliver C. Goodman, 70, W.

Wabasha a district court bailiff, who suffered a heart attack shortly after 1 p.m. Friday while sitting in his car near the Winona courthouse, died at 2:05 p.m. Friday. at Winona General Hospital. Goodman was born July 15, 1883, in Malta, and had been a resihere since 1909.

He retired three years ago from his position as foreman in the store department of the Chicago North Western Railroad Shops here. For a number of years, he was third baseman for the old Winona team of the Minny League. He also was active in bowling circles and served as secretary of the Eagles Bowling League. He was member Winona Aerie, FOE, and Humboldt Lodge, 100F. Survivors are his wife and one daughter, Mrs.

Catherine Lindley, at home. A brother, Addison, died in Chicago in April of this year. Funeral services will be Monday at 2 p.m. at the Funeral Home, the Rev. J.

C. Hill officiating. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday.

Paul Schlauss Paul Schlauss, 71, E. 3rd retired plumber, died at 12:15 p. m. today at the Winona General Hospital following a long illness. He was born in Winona, and had lived here all his life.

He retired from active work about eight years ago. At one time, he operated his own plumbing business. Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Gerhardt Gilgosh and Mrs. Clinton A.

Kuhlman, Winona; one son, Milton, Fountain City, and a sister in Chicago. His wife died about ten years ago. Funeral arrangements are being completed at the Kelly Funeral Home. Linda M. Henderson Linda Marie Henderson, year-old daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Elmer Henderson, 458 Belleview died at 9 a.m. today at her home after a week's illness. She was born in Winona Oct. 14, 1952.

Survivors are her parents; one brother, James, at home, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joswick and Mrs. Mary Henderson, Winona. Funeral services will be Monday at 9 a.

m. at St. Stanislaus Church, the Rev. N. F.

Grulkowski officiating. Preliminary services will be at the Watkowski Funeral Home at 8:30 a. m. Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home Sunday from 7 to 9 p. m. The Rosary will be said at the funeral home at 7:30 p. m. Sunday by Fr.

Grulkowski. Miss Nettie Little Funeral services for Miss Nellie Little, St. Paul, former Winonan, will be Monday at 9 a.m. at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, the Rt. Rev.

Joseph F. Hale officiating. Preliminary services will be at the Kelly Funeral Home at 8:30 a.m. Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p. m. today and all day Sunday until 9 p.m. The CDA will say the rosary at 7:30 p.m. today, and will attend the services in a body.

Msgr. Hale will say the rosary at 8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Mrs. Julius Behrns Funeral services for Mrs.

Julius Behrns, 770 W. Howard will be Monday at 2 p.m. at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, the Rev. A.

L. Mennicke officiating. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery. Friends may call at the FawcettAbraham Chapel Sunday from 2 to p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m.

The body will lie in state at the church from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Monday. John H. Miller Funeral services for John H. Miller were conducted at p.m.

today at the Breitlow Funeral Home, the Rev. A. W. Sauer officiating. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Pallbearers were Harry, John and William Malenke, John Engler and Norman and Elmer Girtler. MARRIAGE LICENSES Jack E. Moody, 1510 W. Howard and Shirley L. Daniels, E.

3rd St. John B. Nelson, 824 W. Mark and Betty A. Mullen, 1207 W.

5th St. James L. Prudoehl and Donna A. Spitzer, both of St. Charles, Minn.

Richard C. Carroll, 618 Sioux and Patricia A. Wondrow, 107 W. Mark St. Harold K.

Woof, 113 E. Sanborn and Myrtle H. Schmauss, Merchants Hotel. FIRE CALLS Firemen were called out on two runs Friday evening. One was at 7:27 p.

m. when a furnace motor overheated at the A. Miller residence, 358 W. Sanborn and the other at 8:25 p. m.

when a short-circuit in the electrical wiring was discovered at Lang's Cafe, 179 E. 3rd St. SM SMORGASBORD Sacred Heart Society St. Stanislaus Parish Pacholski Hall Winona, Minn. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 Serving starts at noon Children 10 years of Adults $1.25 age and under 50c Mayor Loyde Pfeiffer presents a proclamation for the observance of National Business Women's Week in Winona Oct.

11 through 17, to Mrs. Katherine Lambert, publicity chairman for the Winona Business and Professional Women's Club. Homecoming Plans Made by College Of Saint Teresa Events during the three-day Col. lege of Saint Teresa homecoming celebration beginning Friday were announced today by the alumnae office. Lourdes Hall will be open for alumnae occupancy Friday afternoon, and color movies of campus life and a coffee hour are scheduled for Friday evening.

Registration will begin at 10. clock Saturday morning, followed by an workshop at 2 o'clock, conducted by a panel composed of three members of the administration of the college. M. Lorraine, director of admissions, is chairman, with Camille, president, and Sister M. Emmanuel, of dean, discussion as participants.

Topics various phases of alumnae-student relationships. Committees to Meet Homecoming committees will meet at 3:30 p.m. Saturday. Chairman of the nominations committee is Miss Jean Bambenek, Winona, assisted by Mrs. Floyd Kollberg, Mankato; Eugene Arneson, Kenosha, Mrs.

Charles H. Kaye, Waukegan, and Sister M. Bernadette, head of the department of foods and nutrition. The resolutions committee includes Mrs. Bernard T.

Martin, La Grange, chairman; Miss Paul Mildred Skalitzky, Rochester; Mrs. and J. Sister Kronebusch, Rollingstone, M. Helen of the department of modern languages. At 4 p.m., reunion classes will assemble for photographs in Lourdes Hall court.

Miss Genevieve Gabower, executive secretary of the Children's Protective Association, Washington, D.C., and former welfare adviser to the Italian Government for the United Nations, will be toastmistress of the alumnae banquet. Reunion classes of 1918, 1923, 1928, 1933, 1938, 1943 and 1948 will be honored at the banquet. Chairman of these classes, respectively, are: classical Sister M. Daniel, head of the department; Mrs. M.

H. Fitzgerald, Janesville, Mrs. J. Milton Dahm, Winona; Mrs. Joseph Rehkamp, Marshall; Miss Florence Roerig, Mankato; Mrs.

H. J. Livedalen, Mason City, Iowa, and Miss Eileen Slowey, Milwaukee. Mrs. Lionel L.

Roerkohl, Caledonia, national alumnae president, will preside at the business meeting following the banquet. Alumnae will hear a report on the chapcompletion project by Sister M. Camille, executive secretary. Discussion of future plans will be led by Mrs. M.

W. Knoblauch, St. Paul, the fund's president. At the conclusion of the business meeting, a social hour will be held in Lourdes lounge. High Mass Sunday The Sunday High Mass at 9 a.m.

will have as both celebrant and preacher, the a Rev. former faculty Gaudentius mem- Alber. Class breakfast-luncheons will follow. At 1 p.m. recitation of the Rosary and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament will take place in the Chapel of St.

Mary of the Angels. Closing function of the weekend is the alumnae tea Sunday afternoon in which faculty, alumnae and seniors will participate. All former students, both graduates and nongraduates, are invited to attend the festivities. Reservation for overnight accommodations or for the Saturday banquet may be placed by writing or phoning the alumnae office. TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS John David Caldwell, 381 Orrin 4.

Sunday's Birthdays Ricky Lee Murtinger, 666 Washington 3. Patrick William Boland, Arcadia, 4. Maxine McNary Married to Darvin McRae KELLOGG, Minn. (Special) Announcement has been received here of the marriage of Miss Maxine McNary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas McNary, Kellogg, and Darvin McRae, son of Mr. a and Mrs. Rolland McRae, W. 5th Winona, at Wichita Falls, Texas, Sept. 12.

They are now at home at 1606 Travis Wichita Falls. Mrs. McRae is a graduate of Kellogg High School and the Winona General Hospital School of Practical Nursing, and has been employed in the Cook County Hospital, Chicago. She is now employed at the Wichita General Hospital. Mr.

McRae is a graduate of Winona Senior High School, and is an airman third class in the U.S. Air Force. Four One-Act Plays Slated at Rushford McKINLEY METHODIST (West Broadway and High) The Rev. Clare W. Karsten 9:30 a.

10:45 a. -Worship service. Sermon, "Not Men of the Crowd." Prelude, "Meditation" by Morrison. Choir anthem, God We Praise," by Tkach. Offertory solo by David Stahmann.

Mrs. William Jacobs, organist. p. Eastern Subdistrict Youth Rally McKinley Church. The Rev.

Harold Utzinger, Preston, guest speaker. Monday, 8 p. quarterly conference. Dr. E.

D. Groenig, district superintendent, Rochester, will preside. CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH (676 W. Sarnia St.) The. Rev.

N. E. Hamilton 9 a. broadcast. Message, "A Sickening 9:45 a.

m. Sunday School. Classes for all age groups. Mrs. Frank Ressie, superintendent.

10:45 a. m. Morning gospel service. Special music. Sermon, "It is the Last Time." 6:45 p.

-Youth fellowship. 7:45 p. m. -Evening gospel hour. Sermon: "Christ in the Midst." Tuesday, 2:30 p.

Society will meet with Mrs. Wendell Moore, Minnesota City. Thursday, p. meeting. 8 p.

study and prayer. Oct. 16-18 The Rev. Louis Berks, Minneapolis, field secretary of the Hebrew Christian Alliance of America, will be with us in services. Evening services begin at 7:45 p.

m. Public welcome. CENTRAL LUTHERAN (American Lutheran Conference) (Sanborn and Center) Dr. L. E.

Brynestad worship. Sermon, "The Power to Forgive." Anthem by the high school church choir; Mrs. T. Charles Green, director. 9 a.

School. Kindergarten, grades one through three. 10 a. School. Grades four through 12.

Adult Bible class. 11 a. worship. Anthem by the senior choir; Robert Prosser, director. 5 p.

League. Devotional program, lunch and fellowship hour. Hostesses, the Mmes. Norman Indall, Russell Herbert and Arnold Haake. 7 p.

circle chairmen meeting in church parlors. Wednesday, 4:30 p. dinner in church parlors by Circle 4. Public is invited. FAITH LUTHERAN (United Lutheran Church in America) (West Howard and Lincoln) The Rev.

Webster H. Clement 9:30 a. School. Classes for all grades. 10:45 a.

worship. Sermon: "The Guard of the Soul." the Garden," by senior choir. Wednesday, 2:30 p. Lutheran women in church parlors. Thursday, 7 p.

Junior choir practice. 7:30 p. Senior choir practice. Saturday, 9:30 a. catechetical class.

10:30 a. Junior catechetical class. ST. MARTIN'S LUTHERAN (Church of the Lutheran Hour) (East Broadway and Liberty) The Rev. Alfred W.

Saver The Rev. W. G. Hoffmann Vicar Robert Carter 8. a.

service. 9:15 a. School. 10:30 a. of worship.

Sermon topic: "The Christian Life of Worship." Monday, 7 committee. 7:30 p. "Quarterly business meeting of the congregation. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.

Sunday School teachers meeting. 7:30 p. membership Wednesday, 7 p. m. Junior Walther League.

7 p. welfare, meeting. Thursday, 7 p. helpers. Saturday, 6:45 p.

Guild Fellowship potluck supper. 8 p. Couples Club. CHICKEN SUPPER and COUNTRY STORE Given by Ladies Aid of Immanuel Lutheran Church at Silo Sunday, Oct. 11 at SILO SCHOOL miles north of Lewiston Serving begins at 5 p.

m. Adults $1.25 Under Children 12 75c ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL (East Broadway and Lafayette) The Rev. George Goodreid 8 a. m.

Holy communion. Church School staff breakfast and meeting. 10:45 a. School. 10:45 a.

prayer and mon. Special music for this service will be the anthem "Lord of All Power and Might" by Seaton. H. G. Seaton, organist and choirmaster.

Monday, 7:30 p. study group in women's parlor. Tuesday, v. 7 p. training in the church.

NAZARENE (W. Fifth and Main Streets) Minister S. Frank Moss. 9:45 a. m.

Sunday School. W. K. Riggs, superintendent. This is Rally Day in our school with special singing featuring the Burch trio.

10:45 a. m. Worship service. The Burch trio will sing. Sermon topic: "Christ Meeting Human Needs." 6:45 p.

meetings. Junior Society, Mrs. Dorothy Moss, supervisor. Teenage Society, Kenneth Habeck will show color slides of travels in Japan and Korea. NYPS.

Pastor will lead devotions. 7:45 p. The trio will sing and Mrs. Robert Burch will bring the message. Thursday, 7:45 p.

and Bible study. 8:30 p. practice. LAKESIDE CONGREGATIONAL (West Sarnia and Grand) The Rev. Benjamin Lundstrom 9:30 a.

School with classes for all age groups. Robert Tillman, superintendent. 10:45 a. worship with cial organ selections by Katherine Tillman. A message by the pastor, the third in a series of sermons on the First Psalm, Christian's Walk." 7:45 p.

m. Evening service. Song service with two special numbers by Mrs. Earl Holty and Miss Violet Mann. message by the pastor, "Even the H-Bomb is Thursday, 8 p.

meeting and Bible study at the Oscar Tillman home. We cordially invite public to all our services. CALVARY FREE (West Wabasha and Ewing) The Rev. Anvie Peterson 9:30 a. Sunday School hour.

Mrs. Anvie Peterson, superintendent. 10:45 a. worship. Crowd." (Acts 11:26.) There will be special music.

7:45 p. gospel service. "The Teaching Manifestation." (John Thursday, 4 p. m. Bible instruction class.

5:30 p. Club with Nino Cezar host and Lee Burros in charge of devotions. 7:45 p. m. Missionary Society with Mrs.

Anvie Peterson, hostess. ST. MATTHEW'S LUTHERAN (Church of the Lutheran Hour) (West Wabasha and High The Rev. A. L.

Mennicke Vicar Robert Baer 8:45 9:30 a. m. a. -Sunday School and Bible classes. 10:45 a.

worship. Sermon theme: "Jesus, the Light in a Spiritually Blind World." Monday, 7:30 p. 1 m. Quarterly voters meeting. Tuesday, 7:45 a.

-Class at church. 8:45 a. Class at school. Red Cross unit in the afternoon. 6:30 p.

Club. Potluck supper. Wednesday, 8:45 a. at school. 7:45 p.

Woman's Club. Friday, 4:15 p. choir rehearsal. Saturday, 9 a. Junior and senior confirmation classes.

ASSEMBLIES OF GOD (Center and Broadway) FIRST CONGREGATIONAL (West Broadway and Johnson) The Rev. Harold Rekstad 10 a. School. 11 a. service.

The Rev. M. G. Freiheit will speak. Wilmoth Price will sing.

7:30 p. service. Thursday, 8 p. and Bible study. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL 9:30 a.

School. 10:30 a. Nursery care and supervised play for children. Organ preludes by Mrs. W.

L. Hillyer be "'The Lost Chord" by Sullivan, "Processional" by Dubois and Maria" by Arcadelt. The choir will sing "With the Voice of be D' by Rheinberger. SerSinging" by Shaw and A the offertory will mon: "A Distinguishing Mark." Postlude will be "Prelude" by Rheinberger. Feliowship hour follows in the parlor.

4 p. Fellowship. Wednesday, 7 Scouts. Thursday, 7 p. rehearsal.

RUSHFORD, Minn. (Special)The Rushford High School dramatics department will present four one-act plays Tuesday beginning at 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend the program, which is under the direction of Mrs. Cyrus Hatleli, dramatics coach. There will be a charge for admission.

Titles of the plays and casts are as follows: "Playgoers" Clinton Bunke, Marilyn Olstad, Donna Ferden, Diane Larson, Ann Ferden, Arlene Riegal, Irene Feine and Gene 01- stad. "Elmer" Orlie Moger, Donna Taylor, Kay Jaastad, Gloria Hustad, Nancy Jorde, Janice Tudahl, Pat Engel, Vernon Carlson, Donald Anderson and Elmer's dog. "A Doliar" Merlin Helgemoe, Gordon Quale, Donald Runger, Charles Austad, Jeanette Otis, Ruth Jaastad, Joanne Borge and Robert Forsythe. "The Vanishing Princess -Maureen Quale, Betty Hatleli, Nancy Miller, Ramona, Olstad, Gail Boyum and Randi Held. Kenneth Garrison Weds Rockford Girl Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth R. Garrison who married Sept. 17 at Trinity Lutheran Church, Rockford, are making their home in Rockford following a wedding trip to Niagara Falls. Mrs.

Garrison is the former Joanne E. Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf 01- son, Rockford, and Mr. Garrison is the son of Mrs.

Violet Garrison, 48 Laird Winona, and R. R. Garrison, Rockford. Mr. and Mrs.

Leslie Monson attended the couple. The bride wore a blue wool suit with a corsage of pink rosebuds centered with a gardenia and Mrs. Monson, a brown gabardine suit with a yellow rose corsage. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The bride attended East High School, Rockford, and is employed by the J.

L. Clark Manufacturing Co. The bridegroom, a Marine veteran, attended Winona RockCorps, ford schools, and is employed by the Northwest Steel Construction Rockford. Buffalo, Pepin Units Rename All Officers ALMA, Wis. (Special) Mrs.

Denmore Appel, Cochrane, was re-elected president of the BiCounty American Legion Auxiliary at a recent meeting at Gilmanton. All officers were re-elected and include Mrs. Jerome, Baecker, Alma, first vice president; Mrs. C. B.

Clark, Gilmanton, second vice president, and Mrs. C. Gjeilen, secretary-treasurer. Members from Alma, Fountain City, Pepin, Durand and Gilmanton attended. Mrs.

M. A. Wiemer, Independence, past department president, spoke. The spring conference will be held at Fountain City. DON'T MISS IT! SMORGASBORD at Central Methodist Church WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 Serving starts at 4:30 P.

M. MENU Roast Turkey Ham Swedish Meat Balls Mashed Potatoes and Gravy Squash Corn Baked Beans Fresh Tomatoes Cabbage Salad Fruit Salad Vegetable Salad Herring Chive Cheese Cranberries Assorted Relishes Rolls Dark Bread Sherbet Cookies Coffee Milk Adults $1.50 Children 75c.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.